Ability - Bulbapedia the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
The capital capacity (Japanese, Japanese: characteristic ability) is a game mechanics that appeared in the third generation to distinguish the inactive effects in duels and worlds. It has only one ability in Pokemon individuals. Before the VI generation, except for the evolution, the ability of Pokemon at that time does not change. Not all probability benefits, and some of them are given.
Pokemon's abilities were often called "special abilities" [1], "special skills" [2], and "sp. Ability" [3]. In the third generation, it is sometimes called "ability" [3], and in the V generation, it is sometimes referred to as "qualities" [4], and it is often described as "ability".
- 1 Mechanics
- 1. 1 Hidden opportunities
- 1. 2 Probability to be inherited
- 2. 1 Configuration
- 2. 2 Defense of probability in battle
- 2. 3 Changes in opportunities in battle
- 2. 4 Inhibition of opportunities
- 2. 5 resistance to other opportunities
- 2. 5. Disability for 1 chance
- twenty five.
- 4. 1 2nd generation
- 4. 2 8th generation
- 5. 1-Series Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon
- 5. 2 Pokemon Conquest
- 5. 3 Pokemon Unite
- 6. 1 Anime series with the theme of Pokemon
- 6. 1. 1 Unique series
- 6. 1. 2 "Pokemon" series: Rubin and sapphire
- 6. 3 Pocket Monster Series: Diamond Pearl
- 6. 4 "Pokemon" series Black White
- 6. 5 Pokemon Series XY
- 6. 6 Episode "Pokemon Sun & Mans
- 6. Episode 1. 7 "Pokemon Toravel: Series
- 6. Episode 1. 8 "Pokemon Horizontal Line: Series
- 7. 1 Pokemon B+W
- 7. 2 Filmation
- 7. 3 Pokemon Adventure
- 7. 1 3. 1 Rubin and sapphire series
- 7. 2 3. 2 Fire red & lamp & leaf green edition
- 7. 3. 3 Emerald arch
- 7. 3. 4 Diamond & pearl arch
- 7. 3. 5 Platinum arch
- 7. 3. 6 Heart Gold & Soul Silver Arch
- 7. 3. 7 Dark & Snow White Arch
- 7. 3. 8 Dark 2 and Snow White 2 Arcn
- 7. 3. 9 x & amp; amp; amp; y arc
- 7. 3. 10 Omega Ruby & Amplifier Arc & Alpha Safier
- 7. 3. 11 Taiyo, Moon, the Ultra of the Sun, the Ultra of the Moon
- 7. 3. 12 Arc of "Sword and Shield"
- 7. 3. 13 Red and purple arcs
Pokemon has a certain probability. Usually, each appearance / form probability is three: two common probability and one hidden legal ability. In most cases, if you encounter an unlimited Pokemon, the Capmon of the Pokemon will be one of the no n-cover possibilities (if there are two, each including the occurrence with the same probability). Hidden opportunities are now available in the V-generation, and they are relatively occurring, and in principle, special options are strongly demanded.
From a technical point of view, the possibility of the appearance can be assumed as an individual slot if the given, hidden connectors of each Pokemon are not oriented by their personal values. Eevee with two no n-concealmen t-the first no n-concealed connector -"Way OFF", 2- "Adaptability" and "FORESIGHT" connector -"Hidde n-sight". Has the ability to absorb water in both horseshoe slots. Even if Pokemon evolves, the ability connector will not change. In other words, Pokemon, who has the ability to do it, turns into a threatening Mightyena, and the quick Pokemon turns into a quick Mightyena.
In addition to evolution, there are four ways to set Pokemon's abilities constantly. First, when Pokemon has different forms with different abilities. Second, the transfer of Pokemon from the firs t-generation games to another game distinguishes slot's legal abilities. Third, the introduction of capsules with the ability to appear in the VI generation can change the connector for Pokemon's hidden abilities, but only one Pokemon has one hidden legal ability. If it is, it will not work. Fourth, by introducing emblem of abilities that appeared in the VIII generation, if the Pokemon has it, the abilities of the unbelied abilities, and the hidden ability from the IX generation. -Change the connector to an unwanted ability. In addition to these techniques, Pokemon has the ability to change his legal forces during the battle with the support of mega evolution and barbarian return, and may change Pokemon's legal force on some techniques and opportunities. Is left.
When the ability was introduced in the third generation, some Pokemon had only one ability in stochastic. Some of these appearances were the right generations and had the second abilities. If a Pokemon whose image has been ruled after the third generation moves to the fourth generation or the fifth generation, his initial ability will be saved at first, but the ability of the ability will be recalculated in the process of evolution. It has the ability to change the lawy abilities. However, when Pokemon is converted to the VI generation or the VII generation, it is found in a frame that supports the current ability.
In addition to the effects during the battle, there is an opportunity to activate outside the battle.
Hidden Abilities
Main annotation: Hidden legal forceHidden law is the most rare ability among the Pokemon that appeared in the V generation, and is the ability to acquire most Pokemon. Most of the Pokemon that appears in the game does not have hidden ability, but in principle, there is a special method where Pokemon with hidden ability meets. Some event poems and special Pokemon in the game remain the possibility of hidden ability.
Hidden ability is realized as the third connector, and hidden Pokemon protects the connector with hidden ability in the evolution process. For example, a catapy with a hiding ability to escape evolves into butte r-free by receiving one skin. Prior to Generation VIII, it was impossible to change Pokemon caption connectors from normal abilities to hidden legal abilities. Generation VIII indicates the capacity of the patch, allowing Pokemon's normal and hidden ability to change.
Breeding with Pokemon with a hidden probability will have a hidden probability.
Inheriting Abilities
Home Note: Pokemon training → Inheritance of probabilityThe probability was not inherited in the third generation and the fourth generation. Yachiko Beginner appeared accidentally with one of the probability.
Since the V generation, Lady Spoem has had all the opportunities to broadcast his potential. In Black Pokemon and Snow White Pokemon, the female Pokemon has its own hidden legal power, and if you cross with Pokemon Sama, you can transfer your ability with a probability of 60 %. In Black 2 and Snow White 2, if a female Paul crosses with a male Pokemon, the possibility of inheriting its own legal abilities is 80 % (this is not the case whether it will be regarded as a hidden ability). From the VI generation, the probability of inheriting Damian's Pokemon's ability is 80 % (60 % for hidden ability), and the pokemon (male or similar Pokemon) of the crossing partner (male or similar Pokemon) is irrelevant.
From the VI generation, a male Pokemon and Pokemon without gender (eg Magnemite) have the chance to convey their abilities (in this case, 60%of their abilities) at the time of crossing with Idem. If you cross with at least one other Pokemon, you will not have the opportunity to convey the ability hidden in the Pokemon. Idem's ability is not the theory that is inherited every time.
If Tamatama has not inherited his guardian's legal abilities, the born Tamatama has only one no n-cover odds.
Ability-related effects
Different objects, techniques, and odds can affect Pokemon's abilities and battles.
Permanent changes
name category effect Gen Capsule ability item Pokemon capacity connector that changes every day VI Part of the ability item Continues to change the non-hidden ability of a Pokemon into a hidden ability Viii Protecting Abilities in battle
An item that protects the ability of the owner of some effects during battle.
name category effect Gen Shield of Chance item Protects the owner's ability from configuration and effects that circumvent it. IX Changing Abilities in battle
All of the following methods and opportunities can change a Pokemon's ability during battle and give it a different ability. If that Pokemon's magic ability is changed, its initial magic ability will be restored when it is switched out. If the initial magic ability has an effect that activates when it is switched out, such as "Natural Healing", it will function correctly.
name category effect Gen Transformation Normal Status Combines motivated Pokemon and covers their abilities. I Role-playing game Psych Status Replaces the user's magic ability with the target's magic ability. III Skills replaced Psych Status Replaces the user's ability and target III Track Ability Copy the ability of the enemy Pokemon when it is sent into battle. III Seed of Fear Grass Status Changes the target's magic ability to insomnia. Iv Frenzy Normal Status Changes the target's ability to the value of the user's corresponding ability. V Mummy Ability When in contact with a Pokémon, the Mummy's ability changes. V Simple Ray Normal Status Changes the target's magic ability. V Alchemy Power Ability Copy the ability of a defeated Supporter. Vii Receiver Ability Copy the ability of a defeated Supporter. Vii Wandering Heart Ability When in contact with a Pokémon, they exchange each other's abilities. Viii Doodle Normal Status Changes the user's and Supporter's abilities to reach the target's ability. IX Permanent Aroma Ability When in contact with a Pokémon, changes the attacker's ability to a permanent aroma. IX Suppressing Abilities
These methods and odds suppress the effects of abilities and odds with all probability. This effect then disappears from the battle.
name category effect Gen Gastrofidox I Status Suppresses the target's abilities Iv Core Amplifier Dragon Special If the target has already activated a personal skill, it will cause the target to lose its magic power and be destroyed Vii Neutralizing Gas Ability Suppresses the effects of all Pokemon's abilities. Viii Countering other Abilities
Hindering Abilities
name category effect Gen Mold Breaker Ability Movement that ignores most possibilities Iv Televolt Ability Movement that ignores most possibilities V Turbebulase Ability Movement that ignores most possibilities V Light that burns the air Psych Special Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Threatening Storm Ghost Special Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Moonbeam Ghost Special Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Photogeyser Psych Special Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Sunrise's Scorching Blow Steel Material Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Sunburn Steel Material Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Vii Drum Solo G-max Grass Transformation Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Viii G-max Fireball Flame Transformation Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Viii G-Max Hydrosnipe Water Transformation Causes loss and ignores most possibilities Viii Other
name category effect Gen Aura Structure Ability The effect of Aura abilities is reversed, and the power of actions that deal damage is reduced. VI Synergistic Abilities
The above abilities are suitable for having another friend.
name category effect Gen Min/Max Ability Increases SP. If the supporter has any of the abilities, ATK increases. III Countering other Ability and move effects
These abilities cancel out the effects of other abilities and moves.
name category effect Gen Corporate Cleansing Ability Prevents the decrease in skill status and the ability of other Pokemon. III Floating Iron Ability Prevents the decrease in status due to other Pokemon's moves and abilities. III Surprise Ability Prevents the decrease in skill status and the ability of other Pokemon. Vii Continuous Ability Ignores the effect of moves that attract moves and the possibility of opposing Pokemon. Viii Name Ability Ignores the effect of moves that attract moves and the possibility of opposing Pokemon. Viii List of Abilities
# name Gen Gen 1 Makes it rain during battle. III III 2 Speed increases with each move. III III 3 Powerful scales protect Pokemon from fatal injuries. III III 4 Cannot be defeated in one hit while HP is high. Cannot be removed from the order even if a one-hit kill move is used. III III 5 Pokemon burns the surrounding area, preventing all Pokemon from using explosive moves such as self-destruct. III III 6 Pokemon's flexible corpse does not paralyze him. III III 7 At the time of the sandstorm, the avoidance rate increases. III III 8 Make Pokemon a static electricity, so you can't move the contact opponent. III III 9 If you receive an electronic movement during the match, the HP will recover in exchange for damage. III III 10 When a similar Aqua transfers to Pokemon, the HP recovers and the loss is gone. III III 11 Pokemon becomes unconscious, and the threatening and intimidation will not work. III III 12 It will not be affected by the weather. Characteristic III 13 The accuracy of the compound eye of Pokemon increases. III III 14 Pokemon can't sleep. III III 15 The type of Pokemon changes depending on the movement. III III 16 Not poisoned by Pokemon's immune system. III III 17 Pokemon with flames is affected by the movement of Pokemon wearing flames, eating flames and improving the movement of Pokemon itself with flames. III III 18 A protective substance that protects Pokemon from the additional effect of the technique. III III 19 Prevents Pokemon from keeping his pace, confusing and being affected by intimidation. III III 20 Pokemon remains in one space using a sucker. This allows you to protect yourself from movements and objects that have to cross. III III 21 When Pokemon participates in the battle, he threatens the enemy Pokemon and makes him timid. III III 22 Enter the shadow of the enemy Pokemon, do not miss or go. III III 23 If the directly contacted Pokemon shell is rough, an attack loss will occur. III III 24 Only supe r-efficient methods can be used. III III 25 Pokemon jumps into the air and gains absolute resistance to all movements from the ground. III III 26 When you come into contact with a Pokemon, you may drink, sleep, and paralyze the attacking poison. III III 27 If it is burned or poisoned by other Pokemon, the Pokemon will be the same. III III 28 Prevents a decrease in Pokemon status by other Pokemon skills and abilities. III III 29 Corporate Cleansing Characteristic III 30 The Pokémon uses all kinds of electronic methods in the metaphor. In return, his sp. ATK increases. III III 31 When using his own electric move, the chance of an additional effect increases. III III 32 When it rains, the Pokémon's speed increases. III III 33 When exposed to sunlight, the speed increases. III III 34 Illuminates the surroundings, lowering the hit rate. III III 35 Copy the enemy Pokémon's magic power and enter the battle. III III 36 Track III III 37 When in contact with a Pokémon, it poisons the attacker. III III 38 Due to the Pokémon's strong concentration, it is not affected by crouching or intimidation. III III 39 Pokémon coated with magma warn of freezing. III III 40 Pokémon covered with a veil of water warn of burns. III III 41 Prevents Pokémon from fleeing from similar irons, and attracts Pokémon with magnetic support. III III 42 Noise Isolation characterizes a Pokémon as being absolutely resistant to all noise techniques. III III 43 Recovers HP silently in the storm. III III 44 Causes a sandstorm during battle. III III 45 Puts pressure on other Pokémon, forcing them to consume more PP. III III 46 Halves Fire and Ice types. III III 47 Wakes up from sleep twice in place of other Pokémon. III III 48 Has the ability to burn opponents it attacks. III III 49 Can confidently flee from raging Pokémon. III III 50 Prevents a drop in accuracy with the Pokémon's sharp eyes. Also ignores the target's limit value. III III 51 Powerful Pokémon claws do not allow other Pokémon to suppress their attacks. III III 52 Has the ability to choose what other Pokémon are using during battle. Has the ability to choose things outside of battle. III III 53 Each time a Pokémon uses a move, it consumes the next move and becomes unable to act. III III 54 Increases the Pokémon's attack, but decreases accuracy. III III 55 The Pokémon has the ability to charm opponents who come into direct contact with it. III III 56 The SP display increases. When an ATK Pokémon participates in a duel with a Supporter with the "Plus" or "Minus" ability. III III 57 Increases SP. Increases ATK if a supporter with a positive or negative probability participates in the duel. III III 58 The Pokémon changes into the weather and its form changes to water, fire, or ice. III III 59 Anything the Pokémon is holding sticks to the Pokémon's body, making it impossible for other Pokémon to take it. III III 60 The Pokémon has the ability to cure its own abnormal status, and throws a skin. III III 61 The Pokémon's position increases its attack power, making it bold. III III 62 The Pokémon's beautiful scales increase its defense power when it is in an abnormal status. III III 63 The scent of the water that oozes out is strong, making it immune to attacks from opponents who use moves that consume HP. III III 64 When the Pokémon is low on HP, it can use moves that utilize the similarity of "grass". Ability III 65 When the Pokémon is low on HP, it improves its means by using the similarity of "fire". III III 66 When the Pokémon is low on HP, it improves in a way similar to "Aqua". No. III III 67 Improves the method based on the "Stag Beetle" similarity when the Pokémon does not have enough HP. III III 68 Protects Pokémon from dash damage. III III 69 When Pokémon enters battle, turns sunlight into a pitiful form. III III 70 Does not let enemy Pokémon escape. III III 71 Pokémon is filled with related power, and this does not distinguish that he falls asleep. III III 72 Pokémon is protected by his own snow-white smoke, and other Pokémon's health cannot be reduced. III III 73 Floating Iron Prevents the decrease in status due to other Pokemon's moves and abilities. III 74 Durable armor prevents critical hits. III III 75 Is not affected by weather. III III 76 Increases Pokémon's evasion rate. III III 77 Does not take damage when using electric moves in a draw. Instead, his speed increases. IV Iv 78 Due to his rivalry spirit, he deals damage to Pokémon on the same floor, but not to Pokémon on other floors. Iv Iv 79 Pokémon Provisions displays a speed indicator whenever its body trembles. Eve Iv 80 Increases evasion rate when it snows. Iv Iv 81 If a Pokémon has a berry and eats it when it is low on HP, it will absorb the berry when its HP drops below 50%. Iv Iv 82 When it receives a dangerous attack, it becomes angry and its attack power becomes maximum. Iv Iv 83 When something the Pokémon is carrying is cast on it or is lost, its speed display becomes larger. Eevee Iv 84 Pokemon heat-resistant corpse, loses half the way to resemble "fire". Eevee Iv 85 The effect of setting Pokemon's status is the best. Iv Iv 86 HP recovers when showering or receiving an aqua type move. HP decreases when exposed to sunlight and damage from fire-like moves increases. Iv Iv 87 Pokemon associates the characteristics of defense and SP. |To be able to do it you can really come across things you can do it, actually we promise, anyone can just quickly ignore these seemingly exactly how {} people forget about. |To be able to do it you can really come across things you can do it, actually we promise, anyone can just quickly ignore these seemingly exactly how {} people forget about. Iv Iv 88 Increases the power of shock. Iv Iv 89 When poisoned, HP recovers and HP does not decrease. Eve Iv 90 Has the same effect as Pokemon. Iv Iv 91 Increases the accuracy of multi-stage moves as much as possible. Eve Iv 92 Restores the Pokemon's position when it rains. Eve Iv 93 SP increases when exposed to sunlight. ATK increases, but HP decreases with each move. Eevee Iv 94 When the Pokemon has a position, its speed increases. Eevee Iv 95 All Pokemon's moves are simply made to look like them. Move power increases slightly. Eevee Iv 96 Dangerous blows increase their power even more. Iv Iv 97 Attack power decreases. Iv Iv 98 The Pokemon uses the "No Defense" tactic, so incoming and outgoing attacks fall to the task every time. Iv Iv 99 Whenever the Pokemon is down to its last turn, it uses its own tactic. Iv Iv 100 Improves weaknesses, allowing it to deal more damage. Iv Iv 101 Prevents strong sunlight. Eevee Iv 102 The Pokemon does not have the ability to apply the held object. Eevee Iv 103 The Pokémon's moves do not depend on the target's abilities. Iv Iv 104 Mold Breaker Iv Iv 105 If the Pokémon takes a Pokémon with a direct move, the attacker will suffer a loss. Iv Iv 106 The ability to predict the opponent's moves. Iv Iv 107 The Pokémon has the ability to enter the battle and qualify once from the way the Pokémon counters him. Eve Iv 108 When attacking, ignores the target's abnormal status. Iv Iv 109 The Pokémon has the ability to apply a "less effective" method of simple damage. Iv Iv 110 Reduces the power of the super special move the Pokémon receives. Iv Iv 111 Attack power and speed are halved until the fifth move. Eevee Iv 112 This Pokémon can land normal and fighting attacks on Ghost-type Pokémon. It is also immune to the effect of intimidation. IV Iv 113 Attracts all Water-type moves to itself. Instead of taking damage, Sp. Atk increases. IV Iv 114 Gradually recovers HP while in snow. IV Iv 115 Reduces the power of super moves that hit Pokémon. IV Iv 116 Makes it snow when in battle. Eevee Iv 117 After a battle, you can collect honey. IV Iv 118 When participating in a battle, you can check the items your opponent has in hand. Self-Recovery Iv 119 Strengthens moves that deal recoil damage. IV Iv 120 Changes the Pokémon's type depending on the plate it is holding. IV Iv 121 In bright light, the attack and special defense of the Pokémon and allies are increased. IV Iv 122 Deals damage to sleeping enemy Pokémon. IV Iv 123 Steals a carried item from an attacker who comes into direct contact with the Pokémon. V Iv 124 The additional effects of moves are removed, but their power is increased. V V 125 Reverses all statistical changes affecting the Pokémon, so that any attempt to increase the Pokémon's stats will decrease them, and any attempt to decrease them will increase them. V V 126 Provokes opposing Pokémon, preventing them from eating berries. V V 127 When one of its stats is removed by an opposing Pokémon, its attack power increases dramatically. V V 128 Attack and special attack are halved. Attack power increases when HP drops below half. V V 129 Can nullify attacks that damage Pokémon. V V 130 May heal abnormal conditions in allied Pokémon. V V 131 Reduces damage dealt to allies. V V 132 When damaged by physical moves, its defense is decreased and its speed is increased. V V 133 Pokémon's weight is doubled. V V 134 The weight of the Pokémon is halved. V V 135 When HP is full, damage taken is reduced. V V 136 When the Pokémon is poisoned, physical moves are strengthened. V V 137 When the Pokémon is burned, special moves are strengthened. V V 138 Use one berry to create another. V V 139 Predict and dodge allies' attacks. V V 140 Each turn, one stat is increased and the other is decreased. V V 141 Pokemon is not damaged by the sandstorm. Protected from powder and women's influence. V V 142 When you contact, you will be poisoned. V V 143 When you leave the battle, the HP recovers. V V 144 Prevents Pokemon's defensive defense. V V 145 At the time of the sandstorm, the quickness of Pokemon rises. V V 146 There is a possibility that abnormal condition flows in front of Pokemon. V V 147 Raise the power of Pokemon. V V 148 Dive into the enemy and participate in the battle as the last Pokemon of your coach party. V V 149 Transform into Pokemon I met. V V 150 No obstacles and substitutes do not affect the movement of Pokemon. V V 151 When you contact Pokemon, the ability of the attacking mummy changes. V V 152 Mummy V V 153 If Pokemon is attacked by darkness in the story, the attack power will increase due to loyalty. V V 154 If you are attacked by a dark Pokemon, a ghost Pokemon, or a Pokemon similar to Jumon's Pokemon, you will be scared, or you will be threatened and quick. V V 155 Return the state abnormal technique to the hit Pokemon. V V 156 If you enter the grass, you will not be damaged. Instead, the attack power increases. V V 157 Give a numerical value to Pokemon status techniques. V V 158 At the time of the sandstorm, it raises the power of "stone", "soil" and "steel". V V 159 Pokémon with iron thorns damages directly contacted opponents. V V 160 When the HP is less than 50 %, the shape of the Pokemon changes. V V 161 The hit rate of Pokemon and followers increases. V V 162 Pokemon movements no longer depend on the target abilities. V V 163 Turbebulase Iv V 164 Televolt Iv V 165 Pokémon ally, which imitates grass, is protected from abnormal condition and status. Vi VI 166 When the berry is absorbed, the Pokemon HP recovers in addition to the normal berry effect. Vi VI 167 Change the appearance of Pokemon into a technique that is trying to get out. It will be valid only once when Pokemon participates in the battle. Vi VI 168 Losses from physical techniques are hardly reduced. VI VI 169 For all goals, steals those that have an effect by moving. VI VI 170 Protects Pokémon from ball and bomb attacks. VI VI 171 Lowers SP. Lowers ATK when enemy Pokémon has low HP. VI VI 172 For Pokémon with strong jaws, the power of biting moves increases. VI VI 173 Changes similar simple moves into similar ice moves. Slightly increases the power of moves. VI VI 174 Prevents sleeping Pokémon and their supports. VI VI 175 Changes its shape to a blade shape when using an attack move, and to a shield shape when using Royal Shield. VI VI 176 When HP is full, the movement power of Pokémon flying in portrait is restored. VI VI 177 Improves Impulse movement. VI VI 178 Increases defense in grass. VI VI 179 The Pokémon's belongings are transferred to the Supporter who used the belongings. VI VI 180 Improves claws during direct contact. VI VI 181 The moves of the simple portrait are converted into moves of the "Fairy" portrait. The power of these moves is increased slightly. VI VI 182 When in contact with the Pokémon, the opponent's speed is decreased. VI VI 183 The similar Pokémon's flying moves and the similar Pokémon's simple moves. The power of the move is increased slightly. VI VI 184 The parent and baby create a storm once for another. VI VI 185 Strengthens the dark moves of all Pokémon's portraits into the background. VI VI 186 Improves the moves of all Pokémon's "Fairy" portraits into the background. VI VI 187 Reverses the effect of Aura abilities, lowering the ability of the affected moves. VI VI 188 Aura Structure The effect of Aura abilities is reversed, and the power of actions that deal damage is reduced. VI 189 The Pokémon changes the weather, nullifying attacks from Aqua's likeness. VI VI 190 The Pokémon takes the place of the weather, and there is no move that is super effective against flying due to its compatibility. VI VI 191 When a Pokémon is attacked, its defense increases. Vii VI 192 When a Pokémon's HP drops below 50%, Timidness is turned off. Vii Vii 193 When a Pokémon feels threatened, it switches off when its HP drops below 50%. Vii Vii 194 Since it mimics Aqua's moves, when a Pokémon is attacked, its defense increases sharply. Vii Vii 195 When a Pokémon is poisoned, its attacks become critical. Vii Vii 196 When its HP drops below 50%, its armor is chipped, making it brutal. Vii Vii 197 Fueled by his defeat, only Goal actually went to battle. Vii Vii 198 Reduces the power of Fire Spells that rain down on Pokémon and prevents the flames. Vii Vii 199 Increases the power of Iron Spells of similar Pokémon. Vii Vii 200 Improves SP. ATK improves and HP drops below 50% when attacked. Vii Vii 201 Increases speed when it's snowing. Vii Vii 202 Pokémon uses their move without making contact with the target. Vii Vii 203 Performs a sound-like movement with Aqua. Seven Vii 204 Gives priority to Pokémon's recovery moves. Vii Vii 205 Transforms similar simple moves into similar electronic moves. Slightly increases the power of moves. Vii Vii 206 Thunder Wave Pokémon's speed is doubled. Vii Vii 207 The more HP a Pokémon has, the stronger their secondary education becomes. When HP is small, it stops studying. Vii Vii 208 Pokémon covered by the veil before a battle have a chance to protect from attacks worth 10% of their HP. Vii Vii 209 When a Pokémon removes a task, the bond with the coach is dissolved and its attack power, SP, and speed increase. ATK and speed increase. Vii Vii 210 When a Pokémon's HP falls below 50%, Cell helps the Pokémon. Vii Vii 211 Pokémon has the ability to poison tasks, including being iron or poisonous by similarity. Vii Vii 212 Sleep every day and never wake up. Has the ability to attack while asleep. Vii Vii 213 Pokémon's greatness puts a burden on the enemy, preventing Pokémon and its supporters from using their preferred means. Vii Vii 214 When a Pokémon is knocked out, its attack power is reduced by the number of HP. Vii Vii 215 When using a dance move in a duel, the Pokémon copies the user and performs the dance move autonomously here. Vii Vii 216 Increases the special attack of Union Pokémon. Vii Vii 217 Double contact reduces direct contact losses twice, but doubles movement losses in a similar vein to "Fire". Vii Vii 218 Dazzles your opponent, depriving them of the means to use it preferentially against Pokémon and Supporters. Vii Vii 219 Increases SP. ATK increases whenever another Pokémon faints. Vii Vii 220 When in contact with a Pokémon, the opponent's speed decreases. Vii Vii 221 Copy the ability of a defeated Supporter. VI Vii 222 Receiver VII Vii 223 Alchemy Power VII Vii 224 The type of Pokemon changes depending on the memory disk you have. VII Vii 225 When Pokemon enters the battle, the earth is turned into an electric field. VII Vii 226 When Pokemon participates in the battle, the earth becomes a mental area. VII Vii 227 When Pokemon participates in the battle, the earth becomes a fog area. VII Vii 228 When Pokemon participates in the battle, the earth is grass. VII Vii 229 Other Pokemon's work and skills cannot be reduced. VII Vii 230 Surprise Characteristic Vii 231 Reduces the power of the ultr a-powerful attack received by Pokemon. V Vii 232 Further strengthen Pokemon's ultr a-hig h-performance attacks. Eevee Vii 233 Increases the attack power when Pokemon first participates in the battle. Eight Vii 234 When Pokemon first participates in the battle, Pokemon's defense will increase. VIII Viii 235 Change the Pokemon type to the type of technique used. Activate only once at the start of the battle. VIII Viii 236 If Pokemon doesn't have a hand, if you fail to throw the first time in the battle, you will pick up a Pokeball. VI Viii 237 When Pokemon is attacked, it sprinkles cotton lint around the surroundings, lowering the quickness of other Pokemon. VIII Viii 238 Ignore the effect of the technique of attracting enemy poems and techniques. VIII Viii 239 Continuous VIII Viii 240 If you use "surf" or "dive", you will come back with your prey. When it is damaged, exhale the attacked prey. VIII Viii 241 Ignore the effect of the technique that attracts enemy poke and techniques. VIII Viii 242 Name VIII Viii 243 The power of the sound is increased. Also, the damage of the technique is halved. VIII Viii 244 When attacked, it causes a sandstorm. Ice scale Viii 245 Protect Pokemon with ice scales and halve the damage of special skills. Eight Viii 246 Berry ripening and doubling its effects VIIII Viii 247 Pokemon's ice head has the ability to take a physiological attack instead, but the attack changes the appearance of Pokemon. The ice is one-if it falls, it returns to its original state. Byi Viii 248 Finding a nearby Pokemon becomes active. Eight Viii 249 Change the appearance of Pokemon by territory. Eight Viii 250 When this Pokemon appears in the battle, the effects of the light curtain, reflection, and auror a-laval will be released on both enemy Pokemon and supporters. Eight Viii 251 Pokemon and supporters resemble "rag". Eight Viii 252 If Pokemon and the attack Pokemon are in contact with direct contact, you will not be able to understand three sources unless you leave the battle. Eight Viii 253 Replace the ability with Pokemon and shuffle with the technique of direct contact. VIII Viii 254 Wandering Heart VIII Viii 255 In the battle of Pokemon, the effects of all other Pokemon abilities are canceled or not effective. VIII Viii 256 Neutralizing Gas VIII Viii 257 The Pokemon is replaced with his own form, repeats the complete belly peco mode and the hungry mode alternately to complete the end of all strokes. VIII Viii 258 Pokemon can sometimes be able to open ahead. VIII Viii 259 If Pokemon is used directly, you will be able to attack the technique, including whether or not it is guarded. VIII Viii 260 When Pokemon participates in the battle, sprinkle with medicine from his pot. VIII Viii 261 Improve similar electronic methods. VIII Viii 262 Improved dragon portraits. VIII Viii 263 When Pokemon defeats his feet tasks, he trembles and raises his attack power. VIII Viii 264 When Pokemon defeats the task, he shouts a catastrophic shouting to increase his SP. ATK goes up. VIII Viii 265 This legal ability is a combination of Kalirex's "Unnerve" ability and Glastir's "Chilling Knitting" ability. VIIII Viii 266 This legal ability combines the ability of Kalirex's "Unnerve" and the effect of the "Grim Knitting" ability of Spectrier. viii Viii 267 This legal ability combines the ability of Kalirex's "Unnerve" and the effect of the "Grim Knitting" ability of Spectrier. IX Viii 268 Permanent Aroma IX IX 269 When a Pokémon performs a movement that resembles fire, its attack image increases. The Pokémon is not yet on fire. IX IX 270 When HP falls below 50%, it becomes enraged. At this time, its defense and SP decrease. Def decreases, and its attack, ATK, and speed increase. ATK and speed increase. IX IX 271 Pure salt that the Pokémon possesses, which protects it from abnormal conditions and halves the damage it takes from its Ghostly affinity. IX IX 272 The Pokémon does not take damage from the "Fire" semblance. Instead, its defense increases rapidly. IX IX 273 When Tail Twitch functions or it receives a wind movement, the Pokémon's attack increases. It does not take damage from wind. IX IX 274 If the Pokémon is threatened, its image increases. Moves and objects that make the Pokémon cross are not yet active. IX IX 275 Pokémon that resemble Rocky move better. IX IX 276 When the wind's movement acts on a Pokémon, the Pokémon is charged, and the power of the correct move of the electronic Pokémon it resembles increases. IX IX 277 During switching, the Pokémon transforms into the form of a hero. IX IX 278 When a Pokémon joins a battle, it enters the Ecke of Dondoso's Supporter, as if there is something in the background. From there, the Pokémon issues commands. IX IX 279 The Pokémon is charged, and the power of the correct move of the electronic of the portrait it uses increases. IX IX 280 When exposed to sunlight or with Booster Energy, the Pokémon's main attribute is strengthened. IX IX 281 Increases the Pokémon Indicator of Pokémon with Electronic Domain or Booster Energy. IX IX 282 Has absolute resistance to other Pokémon's abnormal status moves. IX IX 283 The power of the Pokémon's Destruction Ship lowers the ATK of all Pokémon except itself. Lowers the ATK of all Pokémon except itself. IX IX 284 The power of the Pokémon's Destruction Blade lowers the defensive stats of all Pokémon, without considering the Pokémon itself. IX IX 285 The power of the Wood Destruction Tablet held by the Pokémon lowers the offensive stats of all Pokémon, without considering the Pokémon itself. IX IX 286 The power of this Pokémon's Destruction Gem will definitely lower the sp. Def of all Pokémon. IX IX 287 When the Pokémon enters battle, sunlight becomes more violent. Ancient Pulse pierces the Pokémon, increasing its attack power even in harsh sunlight. IX IX 288 When a Pokémon joins a battle, it turns the ground into an electronic field. The futuristic engine inside the Pokémon increases Sp. Atk even in the electronic realm. IX IX 289 When an enemy's status increases, it uses that opportunity to increase its own status. IX IX 290 When a Pokémon eats a berry, it spits it out at the end of its turn and eats another berry. IX IX 291 Improves sharpness. IX IX 292 When entering a battle, if a supporter in the party is defeated, the Pokémon's attack and special attack increase slightly. IX IX 293 When entering a battle, it copies the supporter's stat composition. IX IX 294 When losing to a physical attack, it throws poison thorns at the opponent's feet. IX IX 295 A mysterious debt that covers the Pokémon's head, preventing opponents from using priority measures against the Pokémon or its followers. IX IX 296 When a similar Pokémon on the ground is moved to hit the Pokémon, the Pokémon's HP is reduced but recovered. IX IX 297 Whenever a status abnormality move is used, the Pokémon's movements slow down, but these moves do not depend on the target's ability. IX IX 298 When joining a battle, entertain your supporter by recovering a small amount of your own HP. IX IX 299 Ignores the enemy's dodge effect, cannot lower the accuracy, and can defeat Phantom types with normal moves and fighting moves. IX IX 300 The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, its teal mask glows, and its speed increases. IX IX 301 The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, its Hearthstone mask glows, and its attack power increases. IX IX 302 The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, its Hearthstone mask glows, and its attack power increases. IX IX 303 The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, its Hearthstone mask glows, and its attack power increases. IX IX 304 The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, its Hearthstone mask glows, and its attack power increases. IX IX 305 When the Pokémon first enters a battle, a disgustingly delicious scent spreads across the field, lowering the enemy Pokémon's evasion rate. IX IX 306 When Pokemon battle, eat the energy around and look like your own terrace. IX IX 307 Pokemon shells have similar power to everyone. If the HP is full, all skills will not work. IX IX 308 When Serapago encounters his own star, remove all the weather and lighting effects with his hidden abilities and zero. IX IX 309 Pokemon poisoned by patron skills is also confused. IX IX 310 Pokemon-Legend: Arseus, flower gifts and throwing effects are at least used for cherry and REGISTS accordingly, but their abilities are not official. The plate can still be used as a main item for repeating multi-arenicult-maids. Home Note: Game Mechanics Mysterious Dungeon → Chance IX Alternatives
Generation II
Main annotation: List of opportunities in Pokemon Conquest
Generation VIII
In Pokemon Conquest 3, most of the Pokemon that appears (the hidden technique is the same as the main series), but all of these opportunities are almost different from the leaders due to differences in battle systems. For example, the abilities that are not found in Pokemon Conquests, such as "sweet charms" and "rivals" (because this IRGE cannot access the floor mechanism), and the ability to use the Pokemon Conquest's unique structure (expanding the range of movement). "Sprint").
In other games
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series
Like the main series, the legal abilities of each Pokemon are faced by the current form (that is, evolutionary forms), and have the ability to change in the evolution process.In Pokémon UNITE, abilities are seen as they are in the main series. Pokémon with a Unite License use one of the moves they used in the main series as a move. A Pokémon's moves can change as it evolves. For example, Tyranitar had Guts when it was Larvitar and Spilled Peel when it was Pupitar, but was found to have Sand Stream when it became Tyranitar.
Pokémon Conquest
Moves usually have an effect that is activated regardless of whether a certain situation is met, such as when a Pokémon performs a certain action or when it affects a Pokémon. The effects of abilities are generally consistent with those in the flagship series. For example, Garchomp's "Rough Skin" physiologically deals damage to opponents that hit it with a melee attack. However, this is not always the case. For example, Mewtwo's "Pressure" only has the effect of enabling Mega Evolution, and does not have the equivalent of the PP reduction effect in the main series. Even between Pokémon with similar abilities, the effects of abilities vary from Pokémon to Pokémon. For example, Gardevoir and Mew both have the ability "Synchro", but in Gardevoir's case, the movement speed is reduced and reverts to "dealing damage over time", while in Mew's case, when Mew uses a move, the movement speed of itself and its followers increases. However, it is not uncommon for similarly named long-forms to have similar effects, as they are considered to be the same long-forms as in the main series. For example, Charizard, Cinderace, and Delphox have the Blaze skill, which increases their health when depressed. However, Blaze functions differently depending on the Pokemon.Moves often have effects other than the addictive nature of the main series. These effects are more likely to fill up detectors or give the Pokemon resources that increase the effectiveness of other attacks and moves. Nearly all abilities that turn on as a result of a specific action, such as "Static Electricity" that activates when Pikachu takes damage, can only be turned back on after the standby phase is over.
Sometimes, such as Zoroark's "Illusion" and Hoopa's "Sorcerer", a move icon appears in accordance with the Pokemon's movement, and can be activated manually by pressing a button. Afterwards, these abilities are still delayed and can only be used once this delay is over.
Pokémon UNITE
Harrison's Kecleon color shifts
Skills were also shown in the anime series, but in principle they are used only in battle, but can affect plots like infernype blaze. Like a mold breaker, anime series may move different from the game, such as placing more functions than games in anime.
The only feature found in the unique TV series is the change in color that benefits Madison and Alexa's Kekleon in The Kecleon Cape. This was later used in Harrison's Kecron in the game "Playing with Fire"!
Except for the color settings, the first option was Rough Skin, which first appeared in "Attack of the Shar Pei"! Shar p-dedicated, who rampaged, received this benefit.
In animation
Pokémon animated series
In this game, A Poké-Block Party! Then, Alana's whismour was waking up while listening to a ziggly puff song using his "sound isolation" ability.Colonel Hansen's Chedja activates Miracle Guard.
Original series
When Ash's Pikachu and Groovil used "static electricity" and "overglow", there were two options in this "balance of power" game.
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
In the game, The Garden of Eatin 'Vigoroth, Marcel was possessed by real spirits and continued to sleep during the fight against Snowlux, who continues to use yawning.
In the "Gludon Acquisition" and "Legendary Duel," Kyougure and Grudon were solved with drizzle and drought.
In this game, the lube disk was quick with Juana Swift Swim.In this game "SHOWDOWN AT LINOONE", Rinone Kimmy, Tokin, used a pickup to steal items containing May's Pokeball and bring it to his own cache.
Lisa Mitchham's ziggle puff used a cute charm, and the founder, Loudred, used the sound proof to prevent the zigglipuff and swing switch.
Angela's Kekleon used a color change in the game "from the cradle to the rescue" game, and the block Bonsley used "Stone Head".
This skill was proven in the battle between Paul and Ash's Roak. Paul battle at Shapes of Things to Come! His electric uses static to fix Onyx and Clanidos Roarc, but Roarc shakes off her with mold breaker support. Also, Paul intentionally deals additional damage to his chimcher and activates blaze. After the first match against Ash's Roak was defeated, the block lented him to him for a while in the game "Wild in the Street!" This is because his lockhead ability resembled Roak's Pokemon Onyx, and Onyx also had this legal ability. In a rematch with Ash in this game, "Lampardos, Visit! Pikachu will also activate static electricity to the recently developed Lampaldos, but it is still ineffective.
Kelvi Kuchinashi surprised Ash in one battle in "Herb Engine!"
In this IRG E-TAG! We are ash and Paul in Haas Home City's tag bit for the fact that Ridon, a Lightning Rod owned by the enemy, actually attacks electronic Pikan's attack with a valueless caricature. During the battle, I realized that we were in a disadvantageous position.
With this IRGE Glory Blaze! Ash, Donced and Block noticed that the floor and other Pokemon have clearly dedicated his chimchar and attacked him every day until he fell. When they met, Chimcher was attacked by a rampant Zangas, and when he was cornered to the limit, he activated Blaze and won all Zangas with the support of the flame ring. Only this unreasonable force has been found on the floor, and since then they have not repeated this technique.
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
Swift swim was a necessary role when Visel Ash had a triple brawl with Lucario Meyrin!
While Paul was fighting Arthurling, Chimcher offended Ash. Ash needs a lot of effort to return Chimcher to his usual position and win Urzing, and Paul has decided to fight Noyan. Basically, Paul told Ash and Chimcher to fight again if he could control Blaze.
Montferno Ash activates Blaze
Go to the battle while repeating generations! Delcatti Lyra activates the legal ability "Cute Charm" and fights Ambipipo Dawn at Celestia's finish round.
Broca Croagun lost shiny for the first time in this Irouge, using his own loo k-ahead ability! He often used her to find a team rocket and follow them autonomously.
The two Darakaya benefited from the "bad dream". I used it once at the rise of Dark Rai, and used it again for insomnia before the battle! .
Now the Ilji has slipped into the seventh! In fact, the Skon tank Jeremia had the legal ability of a "bad smell", but was activated behind.In "Shinnoka's eighth mystery!", Folkner's electric engineer utilized his legal power in the gymnasium battle for Ash. After that, in the hottest battle of "Relations", the floor applied the same legal power! .
In this, Ilji puts a pole on Barry! Emporion Barry activates his torrent abilities and fights the floor of the floor in the third round of the Lilia Valley Tournament.
Agron Paula said, "Renown race capture! ] I used my abilities "Stonehead". This is to avoid damage by "double rubbing" attack. In the episode on the right, Froslass and Ninjask Paul used snowmons, accelerating the speed.
The illusion was seen twice in Zoroak Phantom Master, and was used by Zoroak and Zorua.
Hidden legal abilities appeared for the first time in this IRGE.
In this IRGE, "Expert revenge!" It was shown that the actor had a flock ability, but the activation was not shown. What was shown in this episode was how Tainin Doelble uses his legal ability, power.
The wild poisonous snake used the poisoning point himself and put the poisoned ashes on the poison! .
In the episode, you have to catch Loggenrora! Iris pointed out that Loggenrora actually had the "strength" of the "strength", hinting that Rogenrora was actually less damaged than everyday Pokemon.
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
Orha Bufflant activates the SAP shipper
Zorua Rouqua often used illusions to help Luke's movie development. I was able to see him for the first time in the movie "Time of Cinema"! Zorua in the movie "Legendary Pokemon Knights"! .
Three Dermanitan used Zen mode in "Musical Musical of the Mictus"! .
In the battle with the mining Lord! Bordeaux was interrupted Haunted Exercise's job using his own legal power.
In this IRGE, the club splaunion begins! Sasmitudo Edmand used the Juice of Swift Swim vs. Stephen, but lost.Levanie Ash activates Swarm with this IRGE! During the battle with Soshik Stefan.
In this Ilgi, journalists in other regions showed that the coach's 1st actually contained the legal ability of school refusal.
In the survival of this striaton gym! ABOMOSOU Moriya used his own legal ability, "Snow Warning." There was even an episode to prove Panzage Tylan's legal abilities, "Great Eating."
Olympia's Keithic activates "Mischi lovers".
Jumping and Vipinbell Ramos were able to get chlorophyll from the episode "Green of the House, Green Green Grass!"
Fretchunder Ash used his own legal ability "flame" in "I haven't flyed from the beginning!" Havluk found him to escape from the testicles.
The Olympia's both Medium Stics were included in the application of their own abilities in this IRG "Everyone Pay!" At the same time, the male mou s-stick was "mischievous lover", and the female mou s-stick had a hidden ability of "sharp eyes."
Pokémon the Series: XY
In the Mega Evolving Special IV, there was a chance twice in a battle with Charisard Arena. Mega Venus Able doubled the losses given by the flame radiator using complete fat. Later, Hungham Malva reorested the flame radiation under the benefits of the flash.Crawitzer Soiser received the legal ability "Mega Launcher" while playing against Ash in Fighter Surprise!
Abomso Wolfirika received the legal ability "Snow Warning" when he played against Ash and the gym in "Ice Battlefield Hello!" A little later, there is an episode that his avalg has an ice body.
At the Lumi Aus Conference, almost all Pokemon activated their abilities during the battle. Unique league in the episode! Megacha Rizdon Y Trevola received the legal power "Hidei". In the episode on the right, three types of abilities, Swift Swim, Mega Gratche, and Egi Shascho Soyer, were activated during the battle between Tierno and Soya, and the lightning distance and posture change in response. In this IRGE, analysis ant i-passion! In fact, it was shown that Sky Yasu King had a possibility of school refusal. Finally, "Not suitable for cowards"! Tirano Lena activates the sandstream.
Crocodile Nanu activates "intimidation".
Togedemal Sofokles used his legal production in the Guardian's challenge! After absorbing Pikachu's lightning, increase the power of your ginzap.
Mimicky's Jesse often used disguise during the series battle to absorb the loss of the first blow.
The wild parossane activated his legal power, "Water compression", and when Lana Poprio's "Bubble Ray" fell into it, he actually attacked the fuselage.
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
DJ Leo Team Arran Dug Trio succeeded in mimic Jessie and Mareani James using his own legal power in this IRGE, "Against!"The Hall's ally activates his abilities "prediction" while fighting Ash in a gorgeous miscellaneous tree in a tropical trout in this IRGE "Currying Favour and Taste"! And he turned into his own sun.
Silvari Gradion activates the RKS system with this IRG mission "Total Recall"! It turned into a gloomy image with a black memory. Since then, he has activated a certain number of abilities.
Coil of Lusamin has activated the Magic Guard's ability in this IRG. There is no damage because it crosses the background with poison.
Crocodile Nanu activates "intimidation" in both battles, "Try Cool Guy!" .
The Dale Dale Hapu activates stamina in a battle with "Survey of Island!" She made her big debut with this IRG! .
Guzuma's Gorisopod launched the emergency exit in the battle against Ash's Pikachu in the "Destruction Dealer"! After that, I restarted with Getting Down to the Ire! .
Zoroak Mona activated the illusion in "Chasing memories and creating a dream!" Follow the Gradion.
Irima's mega kangaskan has activated the "parent bond" against Guzuma Saizo in "Batling Besty"! .
Acerola's greed Lapu Gengar has activated the "cursed body" skill in a duel with Malowak Aau on the "Truth and the Battlefield of Love"! In the same episode, Snowweie activated the skill "Snowloke" in a duel with Gradion's umbraon.
Galades Lint activates the skill "Justifide".
Six Dermanitans use the hidden skill "Zen mode" in the archeological raid battle! One of them was caught by Go.
Destination: At the crown ceremony! Bisces's electrode was knocked out by Ash's Pikachu and then activated the hidden trick "aftermath".
In the game "Snicken Sobble"! Morpeco, who later caught by James, activated a "hanger switch" in a team rocket.
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
In the "Jungle's Secret, the wild Clamorand was beaten by Ash's Pikachu and put it in his mouth, and he used the Gap Missile skills.In the game "Looking for Chivalry"! Wikstrom's Aegislash has activated the position shift in the battle between ASH and GOH.
A Rollicking Roll ... Several Garpan on the team rocket has activated the skill of the sticky hold.
Fight as Hard as Stone! Ash's Dracobish learned the "STRONG JAW" skill, and the power of "Fish Nest" and "ICE FANG" increased.
Game "Conquest, conquer, faints! Cynthia's togekisss has activated Seleneglace's abilities, raising the probability that Ash's Pikachu will react with air slash. In the same episode, Rosade in Cynthia is ash in Ash. ・ The next episode was broken by Wisp Gengar that recovered himself with a natural healing ability.
In Valor: The strategic part of the battle! Ash's Lusario had a technique called "inner focus" that would not be overwhelmed by confronting Cynthia's togekiss.
From here on the eyes and nose! Cramolant, the rocket prize, used a guard missile with the team rocket, Arcda, attacked Pokemon GO.
In a huge flood of profits! Cinderella Leona activates the hidden technique "Libero" that changes the type by technique. In the same episode, Ash's Gengar activates Leon's Mr. Lime "because he was broken."
Ash's Talonflame used his Flame Body skill every day in this Bearing Down Easy battle to protect everyone from Beartic's attacks.
Celledge Amethyst activated Weak Armor.
In this "The Future I Choose" game, Lucius's Large Alboriva activated its "Sower" function, growing the mass of planted fruit into a lush tree.
Attack! Garal Mine! Celledge Amethyst used a skill to lower its defense, which is its hidden weakness, and increase its speed in the battle against Charizard Friede.
In this "Roar of Black Lakex", Terrapagos activated Terra Shift for the first time to protect Riko-chan from Black Lakex.
Pokémon Horizons: The Series
In Transform! Hero of the Seas, the Rogue Paraffin activated his Zero to Hero skill, transforming into his hero form to help people in need. As a thank you for protecting him from the photographers who were eager to photograph his model, Paraffin freezes Riko as a witness to this transformation.In this challenge from the "Explorers" game, Spriggatito Riko activates his Overgrow skill in his fight against Sidian's Garganakuru.
In HZ050, Verivolt Iono activates his Electromorphosis skill in his fight against Quaxley Dota.
In HZ055, Hassel's Backcaliber activates his "Heat Exchange" skill in his fight against Roy and Blasius.
In HZ056, Rockix Katie activates her skill "Swarm" after being poisoned by Crozier Riki's Poison Thorn.
In HZ057, Raiforce's Zoroark Illusion activates several times.
In HZ061, Lime's Poison activates her Punk Rock skill in her fight against Roy's Huecoco.
In HZ067, Hatrem used Rico Healer to cure Floragato's paralysis.
