Chambers of Xeric - OSRS Wiki
Chambers of Xeric
Even if you die here, you will not lose items, including those stored in Deathbank (item collection). However, items that have been manually dropped to the ground are lost. Note: It is still dangerous for hardcore iron players.
All information about mechanics and strategies is on this page.Coseric room | ||||
alias | RAIDS 1, COX, Ward | |||
Public day | January 5, 2017 (update) | |||
type | Raid | |||
Participant | can be | |||
place | Mount Kibidamorm | |||
Participant | 1-100 | |||
skill | Battle, mining, forest hut, medicinal herbs, agriculture, hunter, cooking, fishing, theft, fire treatment, agility | |||
Privilege currency | N/A | |||
Sel f-study | No | |||
music | Lower layer, upper layer, abyss fire | |||
place |
The cave of the Coseric is located in a vast cave system near Mt. It was released on January 5, 2017 and was the first raid introduced in the OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE.
- 1 location
- 2 mechanics
- 2. 1 call mode
- 3. 1 Food
- 3. 1. 1 fishing
- 3. 1. 2 Hunter
- 3. 3. 1 Weak potion
- 3. 3. 2 Standard potion
- 3. 3. 3 Strong drinks
- 5. Get 1 point
- 5. 1. 1 Battle
- 5. 1. 2 stories
- 5. 1. 3 shortcuts
- 5. 1. 4 Mutadil
- 5. 5 goalkeepers
- 5. 6 Preparation of meals
- 5. 7 Drinks
- 5. 1. 8 crabs
- 5. 1. 9 Ice Devil
- 5. 10 Theft
- 5. 1. 11 Strong rope
- 8. 1 Regular mode
- 8. 2 call mode
- 11. 1 Old badge
- 11. 2 forgotten prayer
- 11. 3 Luxury armor
- 11. 3. 1 Taisenrobe
- 11. 3. 2 Armor for the elderly
- 11. 3. 3 Own armor
Location [ edit | edit source ]
How to get to Mt. Kubidamorm from the Shisian wallThe Serik's barrier is located on Mt. Kvidamorm and can be used immediately using the Minkert Rovakenge Network. This movement requires 20 coins, but free unless the player completes the "Tower of Distance".
Otherwise, the player must go to the Chashans Wall and go to the west to Mt. Kuvidamome. If you arrive at the site without a mining cart, talk to a mountain guide before departure (he is in the mountains next to GNOZI, historian Duffy, Nature). This creates a tw o-country transportation system between the mountains and the Shaisiens Wall, and use the Dead book to use the "History and Rumors" option and run southwest.
Players who have received the ancient lithograph as a reward from the Coseric room can immediately teleport to the mountains by using it as a casselic charm.
The B / L / S fairy bright leads the player to the Kvidamome accident. Run to the entrance toward Nord.
Mechanics [ edit | edit source ]
Basic information: Chamber's of Zelic/ Strategy methodThe Chamber's of Zelic uses a unique party search system to confirm the strength of the team. In the raid, only 100 people can participate at a time. A small player has a good chance to expand the raid size without relying on other players. The status of the raid opponent changes according to the amount of commands and skills. If you challenge, players can get any possibilities that lead to "Big Raid".
To start a raid, your favorite needs to create a team. This "Team" is your favorite channel, and other players can participate by selecting the title of the channel. Once you're ready, your favorite player will enter the ward with the starting point. When your favorite player starts the raid, the raid will be officially started. When the raid starts, all mechanics are calculated, and players who have not participated in the instance before the raid starts. If your favorite leaves an instance, at least for each methodology, the next favorite is the highest rank in the clan chat, the lowest rank is the recent; if you can't find a preferred rank, everyone will be thrown out of the instance.
There is a bank box at the entrance, and players have the opportunity to compose their own supplies in collaboration with any room in the raid. Before the raid starts, the player cannot throw away the items, and after the raid starts, the bank box is covered.
Each raid has three floors: 2 floors-room for preparation/ skills, and finished bosses on the third floor, which is still statistical for each approach. There is a room with a decoy, a resource room, and the last room of the first two floors include energy storage, which allows you to fully the energy.
In the normal raid, the floor was created from the starting point, the exit room, one resource room, one or two in a bait, two or three military rooms, and a room with skills. If there are two rooms on the floor that collect scales, one of them is a huge ray out, and there are obstacles to use skills from inside. These floors are composed of seven or eight rooms.
When connecting giant raids, the floor is completely filled with 8 rooms, and each floor consists of a start room, an exit room, one resource room, one quest room, and four combat/skill rooms. In giant raids, the skill room overlap is cut, and you can get two skill rooms in one raid.
Challenge Mode [ edit | edit source ]
Basic Notes: Kserika Wards/Call ModeChallenge mode is a "heavy" version of the place that will be Zerik's Chambers, and you can participate in it. In call mode, all battle spaces and heads are available, and all opponents' stats and welfare are also increased (except for the majestic OLM, which only increased stats). The difference with simple regimes is that the location is still static, and for puzzle and military rooms, players will shine opponents on the 4th floor instead of the 3rd.
Going through a certain time regime will allow you to get transmutation dust to repaint Olmlet, and you can get twisted ancestral colors to repaint your birth skin. Going through a certain border will issue a cosmetic wrap.
Resources [ edit | edit source ]
In Kserika's rooms there are various resources that can be used in raids to make your life easier.
There are cursed animals everywhere in the dungeon. In the raid, one scavenger chapel is guaranteed every time, and it comes out every time with the puzzle of the first room. There is one scavenger to meet on each floor, but in rare cases you can meet two. They are killed in the host for secondary drops of tools and herflors, which are used in rooms with resources such as butterflies for butterflies and cave bugs.
Padalmers are seen by chance, except for the similarity of the rooms they notice - some rooms have every chance of being a small curve or inspection, others - spacious environments (stones, mountain grass and seedlings that can be cleaned every time possible for glasses). The number of scavengers in the room and their strength (to a fairly weak extent) is guided by the number of players in the raid.
For example, if you die with 10 potions that support KSERIK(+), the potions will drop immediately after death. Other items, such as hammers, will not drop later.
Food [ edit | edit source ]
All of these resources required for food production are urgently needed for hunting or fishing, and the grades are led by the total level of hunters/ fishers in the team. It is rarely used in ordinary raids, but for example, Xerika supports more in one space in the inventory.
To catch a bats, you need a net to catch a butterfly.
Fishing rods are important for fish, and cave earthworms are also important as profits. There are three fishing rooms in the fish room. One of the three room data lives in a cave snake that loses (or arrested his fish). If a snake is in a fish room, stop fishing and click on another room to lose the loss. Only the space with ordinary fish and cave snakes sometimes move.
Objects needed to catch bats and fish can be dropped by scales.
Fishing [ edit | edit source ]
food level XP recovery Fish fibers (0) 1