How to Spawn Dinos on Your ARK Survival Evolved Server ARK Survival Evolved Knowledgebase Article
How to Spawn Dinos on Your ARK: Survival Evolved Server
In this leadership, you will learn how to use the administrator command of ARK: Survival Evolved Server for Dinosaurs and Creatures. You need to know how to use the administrator command with the server administrator privileges.
Commands to Spawn Dinos
This game has two main teams for Spabna creatures. SUMMON team and Spawndino team.
- The Summon-team appears a Dino (blocked for a moment), and then jumps out. The level of Dino is random, and ordinary enemy Dino will attack immediately! There is also a team called SUMMONTAMED as a relevant team, which makes a more secure and complete Dino appear.
- SPAWNDINO allows you to control how to create creatures in the game, such as installing a certain level, distance from characters, and relative positions.
There are other summoning commands. Some are very similar (perform almost the same function), while others have strange characteristics. Such commands include: SDF, Spawnactor, SummonActorPread, GMSummon, etc. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki has information about other special Spavna teams.
There are other administrators that may be very useful so that you don't get rid of what you have given now! They have been listed in another section at the end of this leadership.
How to Find Dinos IDs for Spawning
To use the SPAVNA command correctly, you need a specific identification tag for each Dino or creature. The best source of identification tags required for the spavNA command is Vicki for Ark: Survival Developed in GamePedia.
It usually includes not only the most relevant information about creatures, but also a lot of other useful information on games. Overall, you need to check it out!
This page has a large table that includes information on how to use the SpaVNA command and information on various dinosaur tags necessary to convey the creature you want to Spavi to the game.
This table has two main columns: "ID-BEINGS" and "The Path to the Drawing". Some Spavenna teams use one of them.
- The individual identifier is short, and the words and letters are separated underlined. The ID is used for the Summon command.
- Blueprint Path (Blueprint Pass) is an actual path to a file where the game files are stored. It is longer, surrounded by reverse crab, and tears. The Blueprint Pass is used in the Spawndino command.
When using any of these, uppercase letters are important and should be copied accurately.
Using the Admin Commands
- Write "Admincheat" (or simply "cheat") before the command.
- No capital letters are required. The command can be entered in lowercase letters. Admincheat Summon works in the same way as "command" as "AdminChat Summon".
- The administrator console allows you to repeat the previous commands. Open the administrator console and press the upper arrow on the keyboard to see the situation before the command used. Press up or down to scroll the list and press the "Enter" key to quickly repeat the command.
The "Summon" Command
- This command uses only one argument: a creature "entity ID".
Administrator cheat call (entity ID)
Administrator cheat call dodo_character_bp_c
Administrator cheat call BIGFOOT_CHARACTER_BP_C
The "SummonTamed" Command
It literally works the same as the "Summon" command above, but the Dino that appears is mechanically tamed! amazing!
The "SpawnDino" Command
This command is a little more complicated than the Summon command, and takes five different arguments:
- "Blueprint path"
- Distance to spawn
- Y offset
- Z offset
- Dino level
These should be separated by space. If you do not want to specify the last four arguments, simply replace it with zero.
The explanation of these arguments is shown below.
- Blueprint Pass Marker that defines which creature to call. It is necessary to enclose it in a quoted mark, and the uppercase letters are meaningful.
- Distance to spawn (distance to spawn) How far can you see Dino from your character? This depends on where the mouse gaze is concentrated, so we overlook the area. Looking at the ground, you can see that there is Dino there, making you feel sick. If the meaning is not so important, Dino looks right above your character. For example, in the case of "500", the distance to Dino is 60cm or less (this is very close when spawn T-REX!).
For example, the dodo in the screenshot below was spawned at the spawn distance of "2000" (the player was hovering in the air with the "Fly" command enabled).
- The left and right horizontal status of the Y-OFFSET character's appearance. The amount of flattering is to the right, and the negative amount is to the left.
In the screenshot below, the spawn distance is just "2000", and the Y-off set value is just "1000" (moved to the right).
- It is a vertical state of the spawn to the appearance of the offset character. The flattering numbers are high and the negative numbers are lower.
- The actual level of spawning Dino Level Dino. As a result, the status received by the creature is determined by a random distribution of the "wild" value in each spawn.
Example of such distribution:
Administrator Cheat Spawndino "Blueprint"/Game/Primalearth/Dinos/BIGFOOT/BIGFOOT_CHARACTER_BP.
In this example, a level 120 Gigant Pitext (Big Foot) spawns.
Other Useful Admin Commands
If this Dino is usually hostile, you will spawn hostile and attack! Therefore, some of the following management commands will help you prevent them from being eaten by the spawned creatures!
Similar to other management commands, add "Admincheat" in front of these commands. This can also be shortened to "CHEAT". Since no capital letters are needed, all of them are lowercase letters.
- Enemyinvisible Shin
Admincheat Enemyinvisible True
Administrator cheat enemyinvisible False
If you set this to "True", you will be invisible from all dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are completely ignored even if you attack you. Dinosaurs can move normally and attack other dinosaurs (that is, escape). Use Admincheat Enemyinvisible False to disable this function.
Admin cat fly
Admincat Cheat Walk
Press the space key to rise to the air, and press the C key to descend. Hovering 30 meters above the ground makes it easier to deal with hostile dinosaurs! You can turn it off with the Admincheat Walk command (do not use it while hovering 30 meters above the sky).
Manipulate God
Dino cannot harm you. However, since they try to attack you, sometimes they can be very annoying (the view is blocked, the camera is blurred). Don't escape while they are attacking you! Also, since the hostile Dino comes into your face and tries to eat, it will be easier to aim for other administrator commands. To disable, enter the AdmintCheat God again.
Playe r-only administrator cheat
Disable the artificial intelligence of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs still have inactive animations, but they do not move or attack. This command does not affect the player. It is convenient to prevent dinosaurs from getting lost. Note: If you disable dinosaur AI, some management commands (such as "Dotame" or "Forcetame") may not work properly. Others: If you disable creature AI, you may see a strange glitch like fish and sea creatures floating in the air. This is one of the strange bugs. These problems disappear as soon as AI is returned. To disable this effect, repeat Admincheat Playersonly again.
Administrator Dotame
This team will mechanically tame any creature that your view visor is set on. I agree with Vicki that assigning and using this command on other dinos can lead to game/server failures. With the support of this team, it can make dinos pretty hard to target if you have a view crossbar (as most servers do). God Admin - applies the command, and allows aggressive dinos - restrictions - to get around it in a simple way (it pretty much gets in your nose, tries to eat you, that's really very simplified).
Admin cheat
This team still mechanically tames creatures below the intersection of your aim point. Dinos tamed this way will be sad even without a saddle. If you're a cryopod and then implement cryopods, dinos will dilute the effect of the saddle. This team can still lead to game/server failures if applied while riding another dino. The same issues with targeting apply to this team (see "Downsight" above).
- Forsetamy (ray)
Manages Forsetamy 2000.
A team that mechanically kills dinos in a certain range. There is no targeting task like the normal "Forsetamy" team. If you look at the image at the top of the screen of the "Spawndino" team, you can see how the beams are more.
Last updated: 2020-09-09
- Spawndino team
- How to find personal dinosaurs in Spawna
- With the help of admin
- Summon team
- SummonTamed team
- Spawndino team
- Other necessary admin commands
Source:True rumors
This is Nethack 3. 3/dat/rumors. There is a short explanation under each line.
Screenshots, initial code, and other Nethack content are used under the Nethack General Social License.
This content is a modified version of Nethack initial code distributed independently (by sharing Nethack content on a wiki page and possibly subsequent edits). See the list of what configurations were created on what dates on the page - status.
- 1 Intline
- 1. 1 Telepathy
- 1. 2 Teleport and Teleport Control
- 1. 3 Resistance
- 2. 1 Pistol
- 2. 2 Bullets
- 2. 3 Scrolls
- 2. 4 Potions
- 2. 5 Gems
- 2. 6 Wands
- 2. 7 Tools
- 2. 7. 1 Musical Instruments
- 2. 7. 2 Others
- 3. 1 Nymph
- 3. 2 Unicorn
- 3. 3 Nurse
- 3. 4 Corpse Effects
- 3. 5 Others
- 6. 1 Wizard Gendor
- 6. 2 Many More
1. Eye Bandages can be pretty useful if you're a telepath.
Inner Telepathy only works in the dark.
7. Potion of Blindness allows you to see invisible baggage.
When you're blind with a telepath, you can modify the condition of any discreet sample on the level.
33. Blind? Call the floating eye!
The eate n-eaten corpse is given inside a telepathy inside and works in the dark. By blinding, they can avoid dangerous passive attacks.
149. Telepathy is just Hocos Pocas, and once you ask how to do it, everything is done in a rudimentary way.
The only way to telepathy is the way to keep your eyes on your internal abilities and your eyes.
312. The story that hovering makes your eyes can be seen even in the dark.
Eating the corpse of the hovering Ochi can get an internal telepathy. In other words, even with blindness, you can feel the existence of an intellectual monster with telepathy.
Teleportitis and teleport control
49. Eating a tengu is exactly the same as eating a heavenly woman.
230. When eating a heavenly woman, hackers are often nervous.
When you eat and teleport the corpse of the Sen, you receive a message saying "I'm pretty nervous."
285. Tengu does not ring, but why is there an obligation to do it?
By eating a tengu, you can get an internal teleport control, and you can leave the slot of the ring for something that is as large as necessary.
259. Basically, only experienced magicians have the ability to arrange Tengu Shuffle.
Eating a tengu can get teleportation and teleportation control. Rank 17 magician can naturally control teleportation, and as a result, it is highly likely that teleportation is a good thing.
314. They talk about what you and what you eat.
Eating hot 'monsters gains the resistance to light, and eating a cold' monster gains resistance to frost.
48. Eating killer bee is exactly the same as eating scorpions.
Although it has a poison, the probability of getting a poison counter is slightly higher than that the monster is worth it.
211. In fact, it seems that spiders in the cave are not considered food in welfare on the street.
Poisonous cave gums have little probability of giving poison tolerance.
323. It is said that eating geckos will not be healthy.
Geckos do not show resistance to poison.
336. Valkyria comes from the north and has the right ability.
Walkure is fros t-resistant.
47. Eating an ice sphere is the same as eating yesting.
Both have the ability to withstand frost. (However, in the latest version of NETHACK, the frozen base does not drop the body).
281. It is even said that some yestations are full of hot air.
They can withstand frost.
219. It is cool to eat blue jelly.
Eating blue jelly can withstand frost.
275. It is said that fire ants will prepare warm meals.
Fire ants may give backlight.
53. The elf corpse is incompatible with sandman, sometimes poorly compatible with the gods.
Elf's corpse can resist even during sleep. Elf players should be aware of the c o-race sacrifice and crabism.
180. Gelatin cube is said to be a healthy breakfast.
It can give it resistance to poison, flame, cold, shock, and sleep.
4. Katana can cut earthworm into two.
Knife's weapons have a much more chance to cut long earthworms than polished weapons.
11. 11. The dagger is not very good.
The dagger deals D6/D8 damage to large and small monsters, while long swords cause D8/D12 damage. In addition, the development of dagger skills is usually a waste of skill slots, as the vanilla Nehack does not have an artifact dagger.
28. Defeating a monster from onion is not the best idea.
Luke should be used as a long weapon using arrows.
56. Have you ever fought with fascinating teeth?
If you use weapon enchantment on earthworm teeth, it will turn into a stronger weapon, Christian Kenif.
85. If you want to defeat, use a dagger.
The dagger gives the hit a +2 bonus.
98. Keep your weapon away from acid.
Corroded weapons reduce damage. (This is a standard case of nhinrl).
129. Herbert reading may be useful.
Frank Herbert is the author of the Sand Dunes and refers to magic on earthworm teeth to get Christiana.
264. Females are said to be boring because they are not attacks.
Only Atfam is engraved on the ground without being stupid (that is, without losing an enchantment).
157. The oak is ambushing you with a thick oak sword called Elphrin. You die.
It refers to the ability to call the Oakurist's elf sword.
188. It seems that the neutral character can get a giant assassin.
The giant assassin is a neutral artifact weapon and can be obtained by sacrificing the altar.
309. It seems that it feels cool when you use a long sword called Fearry Scheme.
Wearing a spark of fire will be resistant to fire.
If you have a frost brand, it will be resistant to the cold.
3. The crystal plate does not rust.
The crystal plate is made of rus t-resistant glass.
21. The elf cloak protects himself from magic.
Provides magic 1 to provide some defense to many special attacks, including poison, likanslopy, and level depletion.
54. Elf's macintosh does not rust.
The elf's macintosh is made of cloth and is naturally rusted.
97. Keep the armor away from rust.
Quiet armor reduces AC.
100. The skin is waterproof. Have you ever seen a cow with an umbrella?
The skin does not rust, but may rot or burn.
214. They say that the "dragon of the scales" can be fascinated.
After being fascinated by the "Uroko Dragon", you can get more powerful e-mail from the "Uroko Dragon".
225. Put on agility gloves.
Wearing an aggressive gloved gloved gloves increases dexterity, but this legal ability is not fascinated.
283. In fact, the story is that the speed boots are not frozen enough to walk around the water in front of you.
Aqua walking boots are needed to walk around the water.
342. Waterfalls do not work for dragons.
Scales dragon clothes do not rust.
344. Do you need an apron made of glass?
The alchemy board (looks like an apron with an unknown appearance) emits the power to compete with poison and acid. Golem of glass naturally has both nature from nature.
32. Loose scrolls are more attractive.
Write magic on a beautiful scroll. This still has the ability to get into your opportunity to determine your empty scrolls.
57. Have you ever tried to recite in a confused state? 131. If you drink a scroll after drinking alcohol, you may be excited.
Drinking alcohol usually gets confused. Reading a scroll in a confused state can usually distinguish several (sometimes useful) effects.
82. If you are punished, it will be done with the support of a killed gun.
Heavy metal spheres received in the event of punishment can be used to cause heavy damage.
87. If you notice, don't forget to buy a card at the shop.
It will check the current grade with a magic card scroll.
177. In fact, he says that he has the ability to scroll the cursed teleportation-teleportation.
247. Speaking, monsters do not actually come to the script to scare monsters.
In general, everything is clear. If you step on the scalp to scare monsters, most monsters cannot pack you, for example, like Elvet.
299. Speaking, in fact, the massacre is both passed.
Geno Side's cursed scroll calls monsters and does not exterminate. (In addition, the cursed scrolls of Genocide target your personal role. If you are a dwarf, if you are oak, or dwarves do not apply the blessed massacre of G.
135. Is the scroll fading? It's not a steamed bath, but a water problem.
If the scroll is applied to water, it will turn into a beautiful paper.
35. Introduction to chemistry: Do not sleep in water in acid.
When the acid is soaked in water, it explodes. This is correct, and it is actually (with the necessary amount of acid).
59. Have you ever been designed to soak something in a drink?
By dipping in a potion, beneficial effects can be obtained. For example, the bliss level of the object changes depending on whether it is dipped in holy water or non-holy water. Potion Polymorph polymorphs the object when dipping in a potion.
72. Be careful with flasks - there may be a ghost in them!
Daily potions have a chance to produce spirits, just like smoky potions produce spirits.
73. Holy water has many uses.
Dipping an object in holy water removes curses from the person or blesses them. Dipping in holy water cures lycanthropia and other unpleasant diseases, unless the object is a chaotom (in which case it would burn).
124. Drinks are not usually mixed, but sometimes are.
190. Healing drinks are said to be able to counteract disease drinks.
191. Monster detection seems to sometimes work both ways.
208. Sample numbing potions detect the location of the sample.
208. Drinks can be diluted, but not cancelled.
Dipping a drilled drink in water will dilute it, but cancelling has no effect.
223. Leveling up gives you experience.
Level damn drinks will raise you through the ceiling to a higher level.
254. Nothing can change the fact that some drinks contain genius.
More precisely, in some smoky drinks.
255. Nothing can change the fact that some drinks contain spirits.
More precisely, in some milky drinks.
263. Rubbing a magic potion doesn't turn it into a magic lamp.
In ancient versions of Nehak, light drinks can contain spirits that grant desires.
351. A beautiful spirit can be found in a potion bottle.
This includes jesting drinks, spirited milk drinks, and spirited smoky drinks.
352. You might try bathing in a bottled blessed drink.
The bottled blessed drink is, of course, holy water.
244. It is said that if you mix the right drinks together, an explosion will occur.
Mixing potions can sometimes cause an alchemical explosion.
126. Wear a teleportation ring: Move away from attacks.
When you put on a teleportation ring, you can teleport randomly.
186. Lucky charms supposedly protect you from poison arrows.
317. Amulets of reflection are said to be unbreakable.
Amulets of reflection (and all amulets, in fact) work 100% reliably. They may rust (although the state of corrosion on the amulets is not shown), but this does not affect magical abilities.
202. It is said that charms, like many other things, can be either deadly or fragrant.
13. Bacillus has the ability to drive past refiner ghosts.
It also applies to the abilities of the fallen-stick with the ability to exterminate the undead.
78. What are the other desires that I never want? (Accept your desire in reality).
If you want a cane of your desire, you can get a cane of the canceled (useless) desire.
158. The secret of the cane does not occur: Remember again!
This is applied to the last charge from the cane.
196. They speak, the abolition of Bacillus looks like a polymol f-cane.
Their rays can be turned into such monster s-like objects. Apart from this, each of their Immuuns for their own personal effects.
197. In fact, the rock Bacillus not only closes the door, but also has the ability.
It still closes the box and partition bridge.
198. Basically, Basilla Polymorf says he has the ability to change your game.
He hits himself (preferably, then remove armor), and in order to transform into a monster, he hopes to be actually strict, or many of the garbage (polyping).
324. It is a grassland that thrusts with a cane to reincarnate to the undead.
If you transform into a monster, you will be stunned. Nothing happens if you are unpleasant. For this reason, it is wise to forget the cane, so run it on an innocent monster or revive the corpse.
359. The touch of the rod of the appeal to the undead has the ability to revive your dog.
If you stab a corpse with an appeal to the undead, the monster will really revive.
358. Click yourself and see what will happen.
This rumor is probably rooted in those times when it was not clear, in fact, it is possible to sing herself (select it, when asked for the direction). Don't cover yourself with a cane.
Musical instruments
105. Music spells affect unstable separation bridges.
It is in the appearance of introducing instruments to play shepherds to open and close the castle of the castle.
106. Music has the charm of calm Savage Beast.
The magic harp hits the monster, and the magician blows a hideaway with a whistle. Wood Flute soothes the slake, and Wood Harp is ninf.
248. In fact, most monsters say that the flute player concert is very boring.
Magical flute players euthanized monsters.
262. In fact, the performance of the horn is quite ba d-this is quite amazing.
It may be related to the ability to scare monsters with horn support using tools.
272. They speak, the snak e-spells are not charismatic but music of elements.
The performance of a woodwind whistle has the ability to soothe a snake nearby, but this ability depends on agility and skill, but not charismatic.
276. Some horns play hot music, others have very cool lyrics.
This is a hyperlink to the Horn of Frost and Fire.
37. Save energy and turn off the lights.
Non-magical light informants are formed with a finite turn of energy supply.
60. Expensive video cameras have piercing flashes.
Using a video camera along the road blinds monsters.
71. Guy Montag keeps his scrolls in his bag. 134. The bag can keep contents up to 452 degrees Fahrenheit.
Demonstrates the container's ability to protect contents from the effects of heat. Guy Montag is an important character in the novel Fahrenheit 451, whose job it was to burn books.
81. The icebox protects the power of goods.
Cadaves in the icebox no longer disintegrate.
125. Psst! Use the power of mirrors!
Use mirrors to confuse monsters. It is also possible to touch something, and in fact, if you use a mirror on a nymph, she has the ability to disappear.
239. It is said that a broken mirror in the dungeon will bring seven years of bad luck.
If you break a mirror, you will be punished for your success.
159. Mirrors have always had mysterious powers.
With a mirror, you could scare monsters away.
171. They talk about the fact that not everything fits in the bag.
You cannot put another supply bag, or a charging bag with trick supplies or destructive batirus, inside a supply bag. If you try to do such a thing, the bag will explode and destroy everything that is actually inside it. Also, original items cannot be put in normal holders (or other holders). [1]
185. They are in effect saying that a master key by another name is exactly the same as a master key.
Perhaps a hint as to what kind of problems unlocking Minenthal doors would cause, even with skeleton sauce. It is also possible to touch what the samurai actually call the master key, "Osaka".
209. They speak, if you listen carefully you can hear the secret door!
If you put a stethoscope to a secret door it opens mechanically.
345. Why do you think they're called magic marks?
Magic marks are used to write on magic scrolls and spellbooks.
334. Don't forget to use your personal magic marker on wet scrolls.
The "wet" rolls have blank spaces so you can write on them with magic marker.
201. It's said that if you misuse your credit card, sooner or later you'll get an electric shock.
If you open the lock on a locked chest, you could get an electric shock. This rumor has nothing to do with the Platinum Endoria Express Card that preceded it.
252. It's said that in fact no one waits. In fact, unicorn horns rust.
Unicorn horns don't rust because they're made of bone, making them good weapons.
300. The rules of the unicorn corner are that they do not repair anything that does not break.
This means that the attribute is originally not treated in the corner of the unicorn, but the damaged attribute will be treated. In addition, potions that are generally harmless do not change even if they soak the unicorn corner.
Gems and stones
39. Diritia's crystal is really rare.
64. The precious stones are so precious that they cannot be thrown lightly.
This may mean throwing jewelry into a unicorn to raise your luck.
222. When you find a bloody gray stone, it is always a bad sign.
If this is a tactile stone, the jewel may be broken, and if it is a luggage stone, it will be a burden, and if this is a lucky stone, it will literally bring bad luck. If this is a fire stone, it doesn't cost anything.
304. Throwing a glass gem is said to be the same as throwing a stone.
Even if you throw a glass gem into a unicorn, your luck will not change. Moreover, it does the same damage even if used as a shell.
238. It seems that the method of penetrating the stone is clear in a clear few minutes.
By dropping all objects in the inventory, you can pass through the rocks.
184. Heavy stones have a mysterious charm and do not seem to bring bad luck.
The feces stone cannot be thrown. Heavy but does not affect luck.
280. A stone seems to be much heavier than other stones.
Another heavy stone.
Food and eating
5. Magical sighs are useful for gourmet.
If you have a magical sigh charm, you can eat as much as you want, tear your body and kill it.
46. Eat carrots. Good for eyes. 210. Carrots and carrot juice seem to improve vision. 233. If you don't wear glasses, you will be asked why you need a carrot.
If you eat carrots, blindness will be cured.
65. Are you hungry? Stop playing a ring!
All rings are burning food. However, the+0 paid ring, the dried ring with a slow digestion, and the meat ring are excluded.
76. In the past, I knew a hacker that was fas t-eating and clogged in my throat. 232. If the food is difficult to swallow, it seems that if you eat another bite, you may die. 331. Any food is harmful to the spots.
If you do not have a magical breathing amulet, or if it is not in the melting one, it may lead to suffocation. Don't get tired to avoid suffocation.
218. Eating a ration is said to be a clever act.
The ration is about the same food as some corpses to be eaten for a long time.
115. It is very difficult to open the can, especially when trying to open it with bare hands!
If you have a tin knife or a sharp pistol like a dagger, you can find a can in a shorter time.
205. In fact, unfortunate crackers have been killed in an exploded can.
Curiated no n-sel f-independent cans may explode eight times.
147. Spinach, carrot, jelly-Food suitable for nurses!
The spinach (if it is not cursed) enhances physical strength, carrot cures blindness, uterine milk increases physical strength, restores HP, and cures injured legs.
148. Rotated beef is worse than poison!
The rotten (quite old) beef causes food intestinal infections and destroys you with a certain level of hand.
183. In fact, the lambus waffle is a pretty bad snack.
There are only 5 lambus waffles, but among all the IRGE products, the ratio of calories to weight is the highest.
172. The venture of Covesensa is a fast food.
The venue, which is separated, has no chain, including when using naked hands. Apart from this, Quasi has a slightly higher probability than other dungeons monsters.
176. In fact, a really attractive garlic is done by a good talisman. 337. Ghosts hate garlic.
If you rotate the creep with garlic cloves, it will escape.
224. I actually talk about garter snake beef occasionally, but it's all as great.
Garter snake corpses are not toxic to be edible.
339. Joyful vegetables and localizations and seawater plants.
Monster properties
112. Ninfu has not only loosen chain mails, but also has all opportunities. 6. Nymphs know how to loosen the chain.
The Sen is a chance to kidnap your difficult metal balls by removing the chain.
15. 15. Incident using nymphs is often quite expensive. 17. 17. Are you afraid, what steals your meaning? You are wearing more junk!
The sacred woman will steal your luggage. If you carry more garbage, you will reduce the possibility of stealing your good luggage and decreases.
16. Are you scared of Sen? Dress up the decorative ring.
When you put a decorated ring to you, the nymph abductes the ring 1.
118. Ordinary nymphs are harmless.
If you cancel the nymph's effect, it will be "simple" and you will not be able to abduct your own.
256. Talk, Ninfu falls in love every time, and try it!
Wood harp games with the highest agility are soothed nymphs. This is probably a hyperlink from a technique to kill nymphs with sinking rock support.
9. There is a chance to become a shrine maiden or virgin, but it is indifferent to the unicorn.
The role of the character, the encounter with the incubus and the succubu does not affect the behavior of the unicorn. Dungeons & amp; amp; amp; Dragons had a chance to change the unveiled elf pop into a unicorn.
94. Presenting Rubin to the unicorn is stripped. 313. When a unicorn is caught by a ruby, actually talk about what luck will bring you. 195. Actually talk about how unicorns have the ability to bring you good luck. 306. Talk about how unicorns like precious pebbles. 178. Talking, actually diamonds are one of the stones of success.
Throwing an uncut precious pebble into a unicorn increases your luck by 5.
99. Once you have decided on your color unicorn, kill your luck.
Killing a cooperating unicorn incurs a penalty o f-5.
10. The ring of the incident becomes bad luck if there is a nurse in the ward.
"Attack" Medical Sisters will deal with the monster, and she will go wild in time.
30. Treat the nurse with courtesy: remove your gun and take off your clothes. 111. Medical Sisters are trained to touch naked humans: they do not interfere with their damage.
The attacks of the medical sisters will heal you if you are not wearing armor and have no tools.
Corpse effects
50. Eating a raf is a pretty necessary lesson!
After eating a reef's jolly body, you gain a degree of skill.
194. Speaking, in fact, RAAF canned food is a rare food.
You don't eat benches of raf meat anymore, but if you have one, your skill should have grown.
102. Lizard corpses are guarded by Kakuba.
When you eat a lizard corpse, the process of cracking stones that Kakuba started is depicted. Apart from this, on the new moon, if you do not have a lizard corpse, the process of being hit by a stone by Kakuba's hiss attack will surely begin.
288. They speak, in fact the Delphic oracle understands the lizard corpse, do not confuse.
If you eat a lizard's corpse and become lost or confused, the time you remain in that state is reduced by 2 moves.
217. If you eat a bat's corpse, you become reckless for a while.
After eating a bat's corpse, you become confused.
181. Talks about giants getting stronger when they eat correctly. Try it!
If you eat a giant's corpse, you gain strength.
249. Talks about mummified corpses being heavily preserved.
It is irrational to have mummified corpses, because the corpses become old and can cause food enteritis, including when you have just destroyed the mummy.
164. There is no other way to eat expressions.
If you eat expressions, you become a pile of gold for a certain number of moves. (If you hallucinate, you become orange in return).
329. Anyone who has a catholic corpse will have a tough road ahead of them.
A blow to the corpse of a Cacatoris or Chicatrice that does not resist stone will turn it into granite.
12. Succubus leaks farther than Nymphs.
Secrets will seduce you and kidnap your baggage, Succubus will seduce you and lie with you.
14. Acid balls are in your footsteps and attack with bikes.
If you attack a block of acid with a steel gun, the gun will corrode and even lose its effectiveness.
22. Ambrov's thugs have the ability to get bored.
Ambrov's thugs have an eye attack that causes confusion.
24. Asking questions about monsters has a pretty cool ability.
Consult the encyclopedia to get information about the monster.
25. Storm workers from behind, for example - much safer!
Long worms have every chance to attack only if you stay near their heads.
26. Attacking on an eel is not a fatal mistake!
The monster's attack involves moving to its square, so moving to an empty aqua-square actually leads to falling into the water. This is not necessary for death, but if the eel is still nearby, there is a chance to wrap yourself up and try to drown it. To make a mistake to attack an eel, click Shift+F (for "Battle") and then contract.
31. Digging for food - a painfully slow process.
Giggleren takes a certain 10 rotations to destroy you. (This depends on your AC. (This depends on your AC.) If you don't get eaten by Giggeren, but spawn a purple worm and scream, you still have 10 turns and a chance of only getting hit twice. [2]
45. Dragons don't whip their sons - they don't feel it!
Whips don't damage dragons or other fat monsters.
58. Have you ever tried to shove a troll into a giant box?
If you put a troll's corpse inside the container, the troll will occasionally reanimate. If you block the container, the corpse inside can't be reanimated.
79. I don't recommend appearing at a ball with a giant.
84. If you need bacilli for an excavation, ask a minotaur.
Minotaurs have a 33% chance of generating a digging stick. [3]
93. Only the alphabetic symbol "C" replaces the "E" for the engraving stats, not "E".
Indeed, floating eyeball E does not have the ability to turn you into a sculpture, but Chicatrice and Cockatrice C have the chance. Reincarnating into a sculpture means annihilation. Floating Eyes only immobilize you, and you will eventually be thawed if another monster does not destroy you in a "weakened state" first.
101. Lepreecons are experienced reapers in this dungeon.
When Leprecons get into your body, they steal gold from your main resource, but they are immune to all gold stealing attacks.
104. Most monsters cannot swim.
More than that, almost all monsters will drown if they are on water. This is one of the delivery methods from the corpses of (non-water) trolls.
107. Do not attack the guards.
The guards at the storage facility are strong enough.
108. Do not ride on the long worm.
It is impossible to saddle the long worm, and this hearing was seen earlier than the worm itself. This refers to the sand dunes.
116. Orcs and killer bees live a kind of artistic life.
He comes in a horde and pierces adventurers and poisoned with arrows.
117. Oak does not breed in dark rooms.
The only monsters that produce a family are divisions and Wizard Yendol (when he casts a double trouble spell).
311. It is said that it is impossible to wipe the floating face.
If you look invisible with the floating cream pie, you will not be paralyzed. (You can wipe your face even if you are mult i-shaped in the floating eyes).
227. Golden Naga is said to be rich in compliance, but as long as you are in the legal spirit, Golden Naga is rich in compliance.
Goldenerga is peaceful to legal players.
228. Gremlin makes you feel cooler than ever.
When Gremlin is deprived of cold resistance, a message "You Feel Cooler" is displayed. [4]
133. Rust monsters love water. However, some drinks are disliked.
Last monsters can swim. However, it is vulnerable to potion attacks.
204. Ysul eats the boots, and the rock mall eats boots.
Gray Use's attack can rust iron armor. Rock malls eat anything for metal, but mainly eat weapons and armor.
166. Gelatin cubes seem to be able to paralyze you.
It is paralyzed when hitting a gelatin cube. His attack can also be paralyzed.
167. Juibrex will be afraid of digging rods.
If you can eat it by Jublex, stab Dig Stick to make HP 1.
168. Medusa seems to want you to put you on the pedestal. 245. Even if you look at Medusa, it seems that it is not a brine drag.
216. Dwarves are said to work legally.
All gnors are generally peaceful if you follow the law and you follow the law.
174. Cave Gumo is said to eat cave gums eggs.
Cave Gumo lays eggs with meat. This may also indicate that there are types of eggs.
182. It seems that the beetle on the grid does not hit even if it gets over. 229. It is said that Nettai Shimaka is strictly only in a dus t-like sense.
The beetle moves only to the east, west, west and south and does not attack diagonally.
187. The mirror freezes the floating eyes, but you can still see it.
If you use a mirror for the floating eye, you will be paralyzed, but you can paralyze with a passive attack.
200. xorn is said to be endless when chasing you.
257. It is said that when Olog-Khai is saved, it will never appear again.
If you stab the troll corpse in some way, the corpse will not come back to life.
258. Zan has never been scratched your boots.
Zan attacks his feet and attacks. Boots prevent this to some extent, and hovering, flying, and riding can escape Zan's attack.
273. Soldiers are always ready and are usually protected.
Soldiers have armor and food.
277. Some humanoids are still quite humanoids.
If you are a human, it may be a hint to be careful about the crabism when eating humanoid monsters. It may be that Minotaur (large humanoid) does not respect Elberet (the same as humans). Perhaps this indicates that even if your glyph is@, it is not wise to massacre a dwarf.
286. Tengu does not steal gold coins.
Tengu can teleport like a gnome that steal gold.
294. Invisible Nazguru's idea is in a sense.
Nazgur is always born with an invisible curse ring.
301. The scenery seen from the fog cloud is really impressive.
If you are in an eroding monster like Kiriun, you hurry it.
349. It cannot be bribed to soldiers ants.
However, the mercenary can give a bribe.
353. You may be able to buy the Demon King.
The Demon King can request a bribe. It disappears when you pass the gold coins.
355. It is good to study quantum mechanics.
When you attack a quantum scholar, you will be teleported, and if you eat his corpse, you will not be able to use its own speed.
356. You go to the corpse depression at midnight.
The undead monster is more damaged at midnight.
332. The troll is called rubber and is always bounced back.
Trolls are reborn regularly with a high probability.
333. Let's play against ghost as a backup.
Ghost is so slow that it is vulnerable to hits and run tactics, and does not give time to be attacked by monsters by alternately attacking and retreating.
346. Why do you think they are called mercenaries?
You can acquire members of the Endrian army.
40. Dogs are attracted to the smell of trippers.
If you have a part of the trippers, a do g-like carnivorous will stay nearby.
41. Dogs are superstition. Never step on the cursed thing.
All pets avoid stepping on cursed things. It is a report that if you step on it in a normal situation, you will step on it in a reluctant situation.
42. Ghost dogs aren't bad, just hungry. 163. There is nothing to praise a huge dog. 330. If you throw it on an unbridled dog, you can do it.
If you throw it on an aggressive livestock (dog, cat, horse), you will be soothed or sinking depending on what the livestock eats. If you throw it in a livestock, you will be obedient.
43. Remember! Mole dogs are more difficult to drove than small dogs. 113. If a small dog becomes worthy, you will be proud of it.
Pets raise their grade and strengthen.
74. Horses trust their own jockeys, even if they are not appropriate.
Probably, this means that even if you quickly destroy a horse, you can actually steal the horse in water and lava.
75. Appetite is not clear for dogs!
If your disciples are hungry, you may be confused and attack.
91. It is not always worth inviting dogs with a whistle.
The tin flute calls a nearby disciple, but still causes a sleeping monster.
96. This is the universe.
The citation of dogs eats the world of dogs is clearly played by introducing a glyph, which indicates a dog, in exchange for the text "dog". At the same time, home dogs eat the corpse of other dogs.
123. Prepare more harmless dogs.
Dogs exist in the lower MONSTER S-RANGE. Polymorphics is usually prepared stronger.
132. Traveling on a dragon has the ability to give power.
You can fly in the dragon and fly.
143. Some monsters can be kept. I've seen crackers with a dragon that has been handed out only once!
Monster charms and taming rolls can literally be able to timing on any monster.
154. God gets angry when killing his dog. 326. God gets angry when killing his dog.
If a student is killed, a penalty o f-15 is imposed for equalization an d-1 for success, but it must not be directly extended.
173. The story, actually cats avoid traps.
Pets ignore the traps they understand.
179. Speak, what dogs can actually teach to give objects.
Giving sweets to animals (such as dogs and cats) will increase the willingness to choose a fetch, that is, to throw. The increase in distribution means that animals can easily throw things near you. Apart from this, when the pupil drops objects, the distribution becomes smaller per unit.
357. Your dog basically understands what is; it can arrest a lesson for you.
Pets avoid eating serious corpses.
95. I am very sorry if your dog becomes granite.
A message that appears when a pet dies saying "You will feel an unusual sadness for a while, but it will eventually disappear." This message changes to "You will feel an unusual sadness for a while, but it will eventually disappear" when the pet turns to stone.
165. There was once a knight named Lancelot who liked to ride a spear.
You can fight monsters by using a spear while riding a horse.
343. What do cockatiels eat when they get hungry?
Probably meaning that cockatiels are difficult to feed well as pets because they all turn to stone when you kill them, leaving no carcasses to eat.
8. Priests can easily get the gods to listen to them. 322. They say you should offer money religiously.
When you talk to a priest, they ask for a donation. By giving them money, you can get various rewards, such as the protection of the gods and temporary clairvoyance.
23. Crookedness is my witness!
Barbarians (who worship Chrom while neutral) are resistant to poison, so they can eat more types of corpses. Additionally, you can fill your stomach by praying (to any god, not just Chrom), but it's dangerous, so look for food first. This rumor is a reference to Gone with the Wind.
55. Even bad players have guardian angels.
Players of all levels receive a guardian angel when they enter the Astral Plane, as long as they don't cause conflict.
67. 67. The gods expect the best from their priests.
The average prayer time of crowned characters is 1, 000 turns longer.
68. The gods don't pay attention to demigods.
The average prayer time of demigods is 1, 000 turns longer.
153. The gods don't like boring priests. 327. 327. It's said that the gods get angry if you pray too much.
The gods get angry if you pray too much.
293. It's said that the gods get happy if you throw things at their feet. 315. 315. It's said that if you're lucky, you'll have your own weapon on the altar.
There are many rewards for prayer and sacrifice. For prayer, a lucky character can receive a spell book. For sacrifice, if your luck is not zero, you can get an artifact weapon.
321. It is said that you should pray to the gods for inspiration.
If you are lucky, the gods may give you a song to enter the castle.
307. It is said that praying at an altar can make the water inside holy.
By praying with water on the altar, you can make holy water if the altar is coalition, and a cross country. Therefore, there is a penalty for making bad water.
203. The altar is said to be able to determine the blessing.
If you throw an item in front of the altar, the BUC status will be determined.
241. Over time, the blessing stone of luck can make your god happy.
God gives the best gifts to a great success. Bringing a good lucky stone is the easiest way to keep your luck.
289. It is said that "Elbele's hand" can delay prayer.
"The right hand of Elbele" is the title given to the legal character who gained a crown from God. The crowned character has a much larger prayer timeline than an unnecessary character.
292. Experienced characters are said to know how to deform the altar.
The higher the experience, the higher the probability of trying to transform the altar.
The Wizard of Yendor
29. Be careful! The magician can plan to ambush!
The wizard Jendor is the ability to call monsters around you and appear at the end of the game.
80. Continue to yo u-Jendor's wizard
Perhaps, even if you get a charm without a wizard, the wizard refers to the fact that you will come to pick you up.
83. If you kill a magician, you can get the title of the sem i-god.
One of the many steps to the promotion is to get the books of the dead from Jendor's wizards. In the game, the variable "U. Udemigod" is installed.
92. There are rumors that the wizard has hired an assistant.
The wizard can be attacked by Mac.
151. The wizard believes that death is a very fun experience. 199. The wizard is said to be even more powerful when it comes to the second time.
Jendor's wizard gains higher levels of experience every time he returns after his death.
242. It is said that killing a wizard is easier than stopping.
Jendor's wizard has a very high resistance to magic, so it is difficult to paralyze, but it is easy to die.
291. It is said that Jendo's wizard is a schizophrenia that is easy to commit suicide.
Schizophrenic may be the ability to cause a double trouble (cause your own copy). Suicide may mean that you will return no matter how many times you kill.
319. It is said that you should always be prepared in preparation for the last trial.
Jendo's wizard always reappears when it enters the earth.
325. It seems that a wizard castle will be mined!
The Wizard's Tower has many of the usual traps, and the rule of watching out for giant eels and krakens is followed.
341. Beware the Wizard's ability to return.
After awakening, the Wizard will chase you until you reach the Star Plane or die, unless you have the Amulet. Murder won't stop him.
2. A candelabra with 2. 7 candles will show you the way with magical light.
20. 20. It's not easy to get the Talisman of Yendor, including the Wishing Staff.
If you wish for the Talisman of Yendor, you'll only be sent a cheap plastic imitation. This news was released by NetHack 1. In 3, other amulets were added to the game.
61. Auxiliary staircases lead to additional levels.
Of course there are dungeon branches: there's Gnomish Mines, Sokoban, and Vlad's Tower.
66. Is it really getting hot? Remove the Talisman of Yendor and move away from the exit! Yendor's talisman heats up when you approach a magical door, so wear it and feel it.
160. The Mastermind is deep in the dungeon.
That's true of this game of Mastermind, where you play to discover a castle drawbridge supported by tools.
169. They're talking about how Vlad lives in the labyrinth.
212. They basically say that demigods are obliged to forget their precious earthly baggage.
Perhaps this means that there is no way back from the dungeon to the Elemental Intentions.
220. They basically say that shooting out of the dungeon is just the beginning of the end.
Points to the existence of Primitive Intents and Star Intents.
328. Apparently there's a very powerful magical object hidden deep in the castle!
282. 282. They say that something special is hidden in the heavily guarded room. 250. They say that the Bacillus of Desire is naturally under reliable security. It's guaranteed that there's a Bacillus of Desire in the castle. To get it, you must go through a trench and through a horde of hunters and other inhuman monsters.
297. It is said that the door to the Tower of Terror is only on the lowest level.
There is Vlad's Tower, and Gehenna can be reached through an additional staircase.
44. Don't mess with the store clerk, or the Guild will come after you.
243. It is said that it only takes one Zorkmid to see the police. In case of shoplifting, the store owner calls Keystone Cop.
86. If you're going to rob a store, train your dog.
266. Apparently store owners don't mind bringing their students to the store. The store owner doesn't call Keystone Cop if a student steals food. You can discourage your dog from stealing by giving him a beef treat. See Shoplifting.
34. Book s-Ghosts do not read scrolls: they may be absorbed.
51. Feeding an unpaid lepriicon may make a profit. Both Tirads are related to theft at stores with teleport support. This causes the shopkeeper and causes "Cystone Kops", which may be necessary.
88. At the store, look at the price tag and get something before that.
This probably refers to eating food that has fallen on the ground at the store. If you are hungry and, for example, if you are enchanted and absorbs the menu of the store, you may actually pay a large amount.
89. It is a bad habit to use a cane in the store.
The owner collects funds by introducing the cane.
121. 121. Billiards are paid when they are in the store.
What is this pointing:
Throw things into the store to identify your expression from afar.
- Block traders in a cobbleston e-like store so that theft can be performed quietly.
- The rays emitted by the fuel stick bounce back on the wall like a billiard ball. A peaceful clerk will not hit you directly, so if you want to hit it from a distance, you will cover the bouncing spell.
- 122. The shopkeeper's polymorf has the ability to harm you more.
The shopkeeper's polymof has the ability to transform into a rather weak creature; it is very good for store thiefs.
136. The shopkeeper can use a credit card if you pay.
There are credit cards in the dungeon, but not more than the tools to open the key.
137. When wearing a Hawaiian shirt, merchants judge tourists up to one mile.
141. The store owner has all the opportunities to raise the price to tourists. 296. Speaking, in fact, local shopkeepers do not benefit bold tourists. If you are wearing a tourist and a Hawaiian shirt, you will receive an aid margin when shopping.
138. The owner has no chance to distinguish twins.
237. 237. They speak, in fact, they have all opportunities in the store to arrest lon g-term funds. 269. They speak, the shopkeeper actually remembers that you can often leave. Even if the owner is angry and dies, the shopkeeper will collect it with bones if he claims the same name as before.
139. For example, the owner does not read the meaning of carving to the store.
140. The shopkeeper has unimaginable patience.
You can stay at the store as much as you want without bothering the shopkeeper.
142. The owner values funds rather than revenge.
Sometimes I pay to soothe the shopkeeper.
152. Of course, some of the best tools for work are the most expensive.
In principle, the best items are more expensive than bad items.
246. The shopkeeper kills sadness.
260. Basically, only Chaotics can kill shopkeepers and not be punished. Killing a peaceful person is murder, and if you're not Chaotic, your telepathy and success points will be diluted.
265. 265. Chattering, in fact, those shopkeepers don't like choices.
302. Talking, in fact, the walls of the shop are made of a pretty hard material. The shopkeepers hate it when they're busy in their shop. They try to warn you of this, so you can't go to the shop with a pick in your hand by appearance.
268. They talk, in fact, the shopkeepers often have a lot of money in their wallets.
Often have more than 2, 000 gold.
206. Talking, in fact, that antique is a precious pebble that interests them every time.
278. Talking, in fact, some shopkeepers think of precious pebble crafts. 279. 279. Some shopkeepers even discover precious pebbles. Shopkeepers will try to buy unidentified precious pebbles from you as if they were glass, and will try to materialize shards of glass for you as if they were precious pebbles.
267. They talk, but in fact such shopkeepers usually don't care if you go to the shop.
320. Talking, in fact, you need to ask a gnome to let you into a closed shop. If the shop is "closed for stock", the shopkeeper won't protest if you teleport in or heat the shop door. If you don't break the door (that's why gnomes know how to dig doors), the shopkeeper won't get angry at you.
340. Guests should not use genocide on shopkeepers.
Banks are not subject to genocide. Even if they were, genocide would destroy you, regardless of race.
350. You can't leave the shop through the back door!@Shops always spawn with one door.
354. You can lock the shopkeeper out by becoming invisible.
The shopkeeper cannot see the invisible.
52. Albere has a good reputation around here.
The "Elbet" mark forces most monsters to flee.
62. The flame chariot has a chance to drive away monsters.
The "Elbet" mark, with the assistance of flame rods and lightning, burns out the letters in the ground. Apart from this, the treasures of the castle's Desire Warehouse Keeper and Bacillus are on the scorched mark of Albere.
63. For good entertainment, the tomb `Elbet`.
Another boring hyperlink on Albere's strength.
109. Don't use the best tool to cast a curse.
Inscribing a spell with a sharp tool weakens the spell except for unnecessary items.
170. Elbet is well-rumored.
The "Elbet" mark protects you from most monsters (not all) in close combat.
347. Why would anyone carve "Elbereth" if they were sane?
Being dazed, confused, or blind will ruin the engraving.
18. Always remember the phases of the moon!
19. Always wipe the floor before engraving an important message.
Carving too much into a square can erase some or all of the existing engraving. Elbereth will not work if there are letters engraved before or after the word.
27. Bandaging a wound will preserve your sight.
207. Bandaging a wound is said to preserve your sight.
Mummy bandages make you blind. 36. Loquacious Conquest: Domination, Confusion, Hex, Condemnation.
A cryptic description of the following strategies: suppress the floor for safety, confuse yourself, read a monster-making scroll to conjure up a ton of acid, then kill and sacrifice them (condemn).
38. Digging graves might be a bad idea.
You can summon undead by digging up gravestones.
69. Have questions? Contact us at rec. games. roguelike. nethack, a very active NetHack newsgroup.
70. Grave robbers can sometimes get rich.
You might find gold by digging graves, but see number 38.
77. I smell a labyrinth with winding passages.
Link to adventure and a warning about the Labyrinth of Gehenna level.
90. Visiting graveyards at midnight is dangerous.
Undead monster attacks at midnight take double damage.
103. If you lose money, you lose a little, if you lose honor, you lose a lot, if you lose happiness, you lose everything.
Losing money is only a temporary inconvenience (even if the gold itself is lost forever). If losing honor means angering a god, it is difficult to solve and requires sacrificing a powerful monster. If "courage" refers to the resourcefulness and determination needed to find a way to survive, this is an essential quality to win in Nethack.
110. It's not easy to fight with a heavy burden on your back!
The more you are hindered, the less likely you are to hit a monster with a melee attack. If you are overloaded or worse, you can't fight at all.
114. Only female monsters can lay eggs.
261. It is said that only female monsters can lay eggs.
Lay eggs with the command #sit. Wear them when they hatch and they become pets.
119. Useful when playing AD& amp; D. NETHACK takes most of its myths and mechanics from Dungeons & Amp; amp; dragons.
120. Gauntle t-Games have the ability required in several areas.
If the elf, wizard, and walkure are seriously injured, the news is' You Hear The Cry of the Kvannnvn. Die " )
127. Of course, the rays are not boomerang, but still.
The rays bounce on the wall (like the rays of death or magic missiles) and go to you.
128. Read the instructions before entering the cave. Conversely, there is a good chance to destroy you.
There is an explanation on the exterior, and the flow of the game is written.
130. Reading Tolkin has the ability to help you.
Tolkin's work had a major impact on Nethack. This rumor has the ability to touch almost everything, for example, to the name of Sting, Oaklist, or Albert.
144. Someone once said that something actually started up
Perhaps it refers to Perdition's "simple physics", in which kakatric's corpse falls in the air in the air.
145. Someone washed the pitfalls with a thorns!
Many pitfalls have thorns.< might come down >.
146. Sometimes monsters are faster with another friend than you attack.
This is correct if you are considered the condition of the case.
150. Leprekon's gold is not considered separation from the storage of magic memory.
This indicates the life of Vreza's storage.
155. The magic mark is more powerful than the blade.
In fact, spells and scrolls are often proved to be stronger than in hand.
156. The celestial body that affects the game is not only the moon.
The sun also affects the game: Harmones are strong at night, and the undead causes double loss in midnight.
161. Huge treasures are hidden in the zoo!
There are gold coins in the zoo in all squares. The warehouse zoo has a reflection charm or a bag owned.
162. In this cave, there is a magic that you can't understand just by looking at it once.
Nehauck has many secrets that are overlooked at first glance.
175. Sage's wizard abilities: 18/** 24 24 24 24 24.
To do so, it is necessary to be a person, the maximum physical strength, the agility +6 gloves, the radiation +6 helmet, and the decoration +3 ring in two. At the technical level, the 25th may change to the 24th, because+7 can be included in all of these. Apart from this, in the advanced version of Nehaque, sage Sorcerer has the ability to prefer rings to enhance constitution.
189. Polymorf traps are Mistiques, and magic defense protects it.
Magic resistance protects you from a polymof trap.
192. The sink looks like the height from the floor.
If you float on the sink, you will touch the ground.
193. The caused devil can improve your game.
This applies to the water demon and satisfies desires. (Jeren is not a devil, but belongs to the demonic monster class represented by symbols & amp; amp;)
213. 213. If you get in the way of a genius, you will pay for it.
"Fool, did you get in the way!"
215. It is said that even if you throw coins in the spring, the wish will not come true.
Drinking and pouring a thankful water may make your wishes come true, but this is dangerous because there is at least 80 % of the waters you receive. Losing money in the spring does not affect the probability that your wish will come true.
221. It is said that feeling an unexpected release is a kind of breakthrough.
"You feel an unexpected design" -This is a message you receive when something breaks the door during excavation.
226. It is said that reaching paradise is only another means to escape from the dungeon.
236. When teleport to heaven, it seems that he is already dead.
If you switch to dungeon-level-10 or higher, you will leave the dungeon with the tomb inscription "I went to heaven early."
231. Polimorf control is said to not be shocked. Without a polymorf control, you may die with a whole body shock during the polymof.
234. Even if there is a stunning sign below, it seems that you should not get on it.
When you step on a stunning sign, a loud noise makes a monster.
235. When you start from the bottom, you can only go up.
It may be linked to a teleport from the bottom of the Gena to the top from the bottom to the top.
240. When you are in a dungeon, you are usually told that you are not lucky.
Unless it is a full moon or Friday 13th, the character begins with zero success.
251. No one notices the garbage under the cobblestone.
Putting a cache under the cobblestone is one way to protect the cache from a looted monster.
253. Nobody knows whether researchers can live forever. Is that so?
Oh, if you are surrounded by a lump of acids under the cobblestones, all samples that collect the cobblestones are genuinated, and if you pray with a slow digital or replace two slow digital rings.
270. While speaking, in fact, remove the shells immediately so that the shells and armor do not mix!
Drinking from the sink can cause polymorphism.
271. Shells can be hot or cold, taste different.
Drinking from the sink can cause random and non-reducing drinking effects.
274. Speaking, in fact, in your bag, the test ball has every chance of hatching, lucky for you or not.
The egg really has every chance of hatching, and this often allocates a fresh pupil for you.
284. Teleport traps are the work of the devil.
287. They speak, actually, ask any nymph, what once stolen, it is possible to kidnap again.
It has the ability to point out that if reincarnated into a nymph, the wizard Gendor can kidnap the Book of the Dead.
290. They speak, actually, that the lord of Lepreeconov is consistent, as Cut.
A reference to the crew, the owner of the vault. You will be out of the security of the vault and will be called "Krases" (provided you have not actually destroyed it with Forte Lurados).
295. In fact, there is also a place where the Lord of the Lake lives in a spring.
A lawful character with at least a fifth value has the ability to dip a long knife into the spring so that the Lord of the Lake will reach Excalibur. A non-lawful character who prepares this may receive a curse from the knife.
298. Speaking, one good genius is actually a grateful genius.
A genius who is "grateful for the relief" will have your desires fulfilled.
303. In fact, there are at least 15 ways to lose a floating shoe.
One of the most ingenious ways is to make the shoe fall across a sink, and have an incubus or succubus remove the shoe. See "Removing the Curse".
305. Speaking around a stone is actually the quickest way to get under your succubus.
It may actually mean that squeezing to pass a stone in Sokoban is a penalty for success.
308. Talking, anything that actually goes into the gums has a chance of returning.
If you drop a ring in the sink, at the fastest, it disappears into your stock with a message indicating what ring was there. If you use up the sink, you can finally get the ring (regardless of whether you dropped a ring in this sink before).
316. Talking, in fact, it is possible to boldly touch a Cacrix's testicles, but why would you do this?
You can retrieve a cockatrice egg (aka a "stone-lane grenade") in your hand or throw it to turn the monster into granite.
318. Talking, every time you actually get something you actually covet, you don't actually.
The object of desire is not always guaranteed to fulfill your desire. For example, you might try to get so many items but only get one, or you might get the best spell but only get +0, or you might try to get an artifact but endure absolute failure. Negative luck still has the ability to freeze you in a state of failure to achieve your wish.
335. Two evils do not produce good, and three evils produce wealth.
In order to give a great impression in Nethaack, it may be necessary to devise a variety of acts, or it may usually mean that repeated destructive effects will worsen.
338. The safe does not worry about his own lord.
If the safe finds your name and you answer "Cloysos", the safe will leave instead of defending you. A regular character faces a penalty if you lie to a guard, despite being actually invited by Cloyissos. Apart from this, if Creoissos is already killed, the guard does not believe you.
348. Huge desires can only be obtained.
If you want so many sacred relics, you will be less likely to actually receive them.
↑ SRC/Pickup. C is Nethack 3. 6. 7 line 2152
↑ SRC/MHITU. C IN NETHACK 3. 7 line 1853
↑ SRC/Makemon. c IN NETHACK 3. 7 line 707
- ↑ SRC/Sit. C IN NETHACK 3. 7 line 436
- This page has a function that requires updates to Nethack's current version.
- Nethack 3. 4. There is a function to hold a unique word. 3. The information on this page may be old.
- Edit: After reviewing this page and making important changes, change the tag & amp; amp; gt; to & amp; gt; depending on the current version tag or material.
Acquisition source: Obtained from "https: // nethackwiki. Com/index. php? Title = source: true_rumors & amp; amp; amp; Oldid = 176668".
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NETHACK-343 Comment- Annotation
- Message < Span> 335. Two evils do not produce good, and three evils produce wealth.
- In order to give a great impression in Nethaack, it may be necessary to devise a variety of acts, or it may usually mean that repeated destructive effects will worsen.
- 338. The safe does not worry about his own lord.
- If the safe finds your name and you answer "Cloysos", the safe will leave instead of defending you. A regular character faces a penalty if you lie to a guard, despite being actually invited by Cloyissos. Apart from this, if Creoissos is already killed, the guard does not believe you.