Stock Market Cookie Clicker Wiki Fandom

Stock Market

The stock market is a mini game that appeared in version 2. 028 on August 23, 2020. This min i-game can be unlocked by upgrading banks to level 1. In the Stock Market, players can buy cookies, recipes, and ingredients and sell them at $ (meaning on e-half of the maximum CP).

In a min i-game, in addition to the buying and selling of resources, there are offices that can be upgraded to increase warehouse capacity and release loans. The loan consumes cookies and increases the CPS as of a certain period of time, but the CPS decreases significantly after this time.

Every aspect of the stock market is related to the building. The office is cursor, the exchange Makura is grandmother, and resources are associated with one of the rest of the building.

The progress of the stock market (profit and loss and purchased items) is not retained during climbing.

Note: The CPS RAW does not affect the CPS that has risen by the effects of gold/ dreadsket, flickering veil, gold switch, stock market loan, and sugar insanity, and CPS taken by wrinkle. Unlike other CPS boards, Kulmblalua, Garden, and Pantheon directly affect CPS RAW.

"Raw Cooks Per Second" is now displayed directly below "Cooks Per Second" on the statistical page.


  • 1 Office update
  • 2 foreign exchange broker
    • 2. 1 Overhead cost
    • 5. 1 High intelligence

    Office Upgrades [ ]

    The modernization of the office increases the warehouse capacity of each resource, and some modernization can unlock loans slots. Modernization requires a certain number of cursors, and the cursor must be at a constant level.

    • Number of warehouses for all products +25
    • Loan frame +1
    • +50 warehouse for all products
    • +75 warehouse building for all products
    • Loan frame +1
    • +100 warehouse for all products
    • Loan frame +1
    • Basic warehouse space for all products +50

    Stockbrokers [ ]

    • Purchasing a product usually costs 20 %. The broker you hired will reduce this cost by 5 %.
    • It takes 20 minutes to buy a broker (this is 1, 200 yen).
    • Maximum number of brokers that can be owned: The number of grandmother's level has been added to the number of the largest grandmother owned in this course by 10.

    Overhead [ ]

    Cover costs are the number of cookies paid to purchase stocks. By purchasing a broker, these expenses can be reduced to extremely low values, and stocks are more profitable.

    In other words, each time the new broker increases, the decrease in the decrease is lower than the previous broker. The calculation formula of the overhead according to the number of brokers is as follows:

    Falm = 0, 01 × 20 × 0, 95 Broker = 0, 01 × 20 × 0, 95^& amp; gt; gt; & amp; gt ;.

    The following table shows the number of brokers required to get the desired overhead reduction and the total ($) of the number of brokers purchased. For example, in the case of 59 brokers, the overhead is already less than 1%from the initial 20%.

    Overhead table
    broker Total price Expenses broker Total price Expenses broker Total price Expenses
    1 1200 19. 000% 51 61200 1. 462% 101 121200 0, 112%
    2 2400 18, 050% 52 62400 1. 389% 102 122400 0, 107%
    3 3600 17. 148% 53 63600 1. 319% 103 123600 0, 102%
    4 4800 16. 290% 54 64800 1. 253% 104 124800 0, 096%
    5 6000 15. 476% 55 66000 1. 191% 105 126000 0, 092%
    6 7200 14. 702% 56 67200 1. 131% 106 127200 0, 087%
    7 8400 13. 967% 57 68400 1. 075% 107 128400 0, 083%
    8 9600 13. 268% 58 69600 1. 021% 108 129600 0, 079%
    9 10800 12. 605% 59 70800 0, 970% 109 130800 0, 075%
    10 12000 11. 975% 60 72000 0, 921% 110 132000 0, 071%
    11 13200 11. 376% 61 73200 0, 875% 111 133200 0, 067%
    12 14400 10. 807% 62 74400 0, 832% 112 134400 0, 064%
    13 15600 10. 267% 63 75600 0, 790% 113 135600 0, 061%
    14 16800 9, 753% 64 76800 0, 750% 114 136800 0, 058%
    15 18000 9. 266% 65 78000 0, 713% 115 138000 0, 055%
    16 19200 8. 803% 66 79200 0, 677% 116 139200 0, 052%
    17 20400 8. 362% 67 80400 0, 643% 117 140400 0, 050%
    18 21600 7. 944% 68 81600 0, 611% 118 141600 0, 047%
    19 22800 7. 547% 69 82800 0, 581% 119 142800 0, 045%
    20 24000 7. 170% 70 84000 0, 552% 120 144000 0, 042%
    21 25200 6, 811% 71 85200 0, 524% 121 145200 0, 040%
    22 26400 6. 471% 72 86400 0, 498% 122 146400 0, 038%
    23 27600 6. 147% 73 87600 0, 473% 123 147600 0, 036%
    24 28800 5. 840% 74 88800 0, 449% 124 148800 0, 035%
    25 30000 5. 548% 75 90000 0, 427% 125 150000 0, 033%
    26 31200 5. 270% 76 91200 0, 406% 126 151200 0, 031%
    27 32400 5, 007% 77 92400 0, 385% 127 152400 0, 030%
    28 33600 4. 757% 78 93600 0, 366% 128 153600 0, 028%
    29 34800 4. 519% 79 94800 0, 348% 129 154800 0, 027%
    30 36000 4. 293% 80 96000 0, 330% 130 156000 0, 025%
    31 37200 4. 078% 81 97200 0, 314% 131 157200 0, 024%
    32 38400 3, 874% 82 98400 0, 298% 132 158400 0, 023%
    33 39600 3. 681% 83 99600 0, 283% 133 159600 0, 022%
    34 40800 3, 496% 84 100800 0, 269% 134 160800 0, 021%
    35 42000 3, 322% 85 102000 0, 256% 135 162000 0, 020%
    36 43200 3. 156% 86 103200 0, 243% 136 163200 0, 019%
    37 44400 2. 998% 87 104400 0, 231% 137 164400 0, 018%
    38 45600 2. 848% 88 105600 0, 219% 138 165600 0, 017%
    39 46800 2. 706% 89 106800 0, 208% 139 166800 0, 016%
    40 48000 2. 570% 90 108000 0, 198% 140 168000 0, 015%
    41 49200 2. 442% 91 109200 0, 188% 141 169200 0, 014%
    42 50400 2, 320% 92 110400 0, 178% 142 170400 0, 014%
    43 51600 2. 204% 93 111600 0, 170% 143 171600 0, 013%
    44 52800 2. 093% 94 112800 0, 161% 144 172800 0, 012%
    45 54000 1. 989% 95 114000 0, 153% 145 174000 0, 012%
    46 55200 1. 889% 96 115200 0, 145% 146 175200 0, 011%
    47 56400 1. 795% 97 116400 0, 138% 147 176400 0, 011%
    48 57600 1. 705% 98 117600 0, 131% 148 177600 0, 010%
    49 58800 1, 620% 99 118800 0, 125% 149 178800 0, 010%
    50 60000 1. 539% 100 120000 0, 118% 150 180000 0, 009%

    Loans [ ]

    The loan is opened when the office level rises, and the first loan slot is opened at the third level. The button for calling a loan is under the exchange macrair information, depending on the scale level and size of the window. At the maximum level, there are three credit slots, each giving an increase in CPS. Each loan must contribute initial funds at a certain rate from the bank.

    slot type explanation
    1E Small loan With this loan, CPS is then +50%for 2 hours. However, within 4 hours, you will receiv e-75 % of CPS. It is also necessary to immediately contribute 20 % of initial funds from the current bank. "Let's buy a rare car you want. Return that money to us.
    2E Pion shop loan With this loan, you can receive + 100 % CPS for the next 40 seconds. However, the next 40 minutes will receiv e-90 % of CPS. You also have to pay 40 % of down payments from your current bank account. "No trust? No problem. It's your money, so you need it right now."
    3E Pension loan With this loan, you can receive +20%CPS for the next two days. However, the next five days will receiv e-20 % CPS. You also need to pay 50 % of the bank you are currently using. "Please lend the next house, yacht, spouse, etc.. You are qualified."

    Credit costs are very high, and it is necessary to use it at the right time to make it valuable. It is best to harvest garden trees such as Peccari and Ducatara during the Elder Fury, Fury, Fury, Creek Fury, Special Build, Dragon Harvest, and Dragon Flights. The credit bonus is a multiplied formula and can be multiplied with other credits.

    The strategy is to form a pension loan, but the number of days climbing is less than two days. That way, you can completely avoid the 5-day penalty, and you can achieve the "debt escape". Another strategy is to activate Granmapocalipus during the Christmas period. This gives you a chance to get the legendary combo "Elder's Anger" and "Stag" (it is achieved itself). If you purchase Ho Ho Ho Ho Frosting Christmas Update, you will get 12 hours and 6 minutes of CPS. If you start a pledge a little earlier than the increase in weight, you will be able to make normal production for more than a day. If you add a fairly easy madness, you can get a biscuit of more than a week. Credits can have unfair effects, but if they are used correctly, the bonus can seriously offset the negative.

    Stock Market Resources [ ]

    The basic storage capacity of each resource is equivalent to the maximum number of buildings you own during the current climb, 10 times the building level. The basic capacity of the greedy palace+50%is calculated based on the value of the "maximum part of this building" without considering the level of each building or the lower level of offices.

    icon name explanation Related building icon ID
    grain Old Mills is a strong base in the grain industry. Old Mills' organic grains have roots with modest pioneer farmers for centuries and have been polishing their kno w-how since then. farm CRL 0
    chocolate The excavation of cacao is nominated for chocolate mining, and its prey is a country that has always been devastated in the war. Its hig h-quality chocolate is known all over the world, some have been successful, while others are sold as jewelry for engagement rings. mine Chc 1
    oil BOVINE Industries is a former agricultural Conglomarit and is currently engaged in mechanization and production of dairy products. The revealed article focuses on how the dairy cows working in the company are handled, saying, "It's not cruel, but it's definitely abnormal." factory BTR 2
    sugar Candy Trust is a corporate banking group specializing in hig h-quality sugar trading. Some of the suga r-producing areas are legally protected by the lawyers, but they may be secretly crushed from bank accounts entering the bank before processing. bank suggestion 3
    Mad The secret monastery Hiizel, which stands quietly between the hills and fog, has grown the highest quality nuts for centuries. The monastery monks have made nuts carefully, gathered, cleaned from the shells, and do not use nuts for a lifetime, and are trying to do so. Temple More 4
    salt Salt is a universal substance, combining everyday properties and mysterious properties. As a result, weird people who have grown Mad Heart's beard sell to those who make the technology of turning magic powder into salt perfect and swear to use it as intended. Wizard Tower SLT 5
    vanilla Since Banil has become known that it is not Earth, Cosmic Export first discovered its real origin planet and signed an exclusive contract with a resident like a tentacle. Is delivered to the area around the local area. cargo VNL 6
    egg Eggs are promised in organic Gnostics. Promotion of life and nutrition, infinite possibilities, calcium and protein. Eggs can be different. Especially if you believe that you have appropriate funds and do not have rules or ethics in science. Alchemy laboratory egg 7
    cinnamon The dimensional exchange company has a giant unknown team that is infamous, and is immersed in a dangerous underground world in search of strange local spices. Among them, cinnamon is particularly famous, and its identity is an indispensable powder. Portal CNM 8
    cream At one time, the presisioned egg, which was specialized in elderly cosmetics, recreated a unique tim e-shift technology, and came up with a process that could hold and speed up, including the composition of all kinds of milk. Hall cream, a representative proposal, exists within 0. 002 % of aging abstract optimal values. Time machine CRM 9
    jam Pectin Research is a soldier in a laboratory that was initially developed for the purpose of improving and miniaturizing military menus and is now published for global sales. Until a while ago, it was swept away to create a hig h-concentration fruit jam with various flavors. Ant i-Materi a-concentrated type jam 10
    White chocolate The fact that two students used to wear a mirror in the founder's garage has been reborn as a worl d-known large company. In the innovative experimental of the Duzzle Corporation, a new figure of a substance that was once considered impossible, both physicists and chefs, was born. prism Wch 11
    Honey Юди Prosperity Hive воров мдом, иомогало и вда. Сасасой кабот лагае, саж, коиои п поедс, у о к, у эосос оос надачым заным чам - зато цы н гор и Дно. ChanceMaker HY 12
    Б Ио оазалос, в т и пос уашо рына, е щ щоман, пающалалал эо оо о э о о е н н. а важ о-вы сае, ч companies бах. Факалый дват CKI 13
    Ры Восатом иазар ыыс ыосано, где саные сабаны заю оом оаю заю заю чаю кым разабам (и патобадат) ров, номаты нат, роцои зодса и др коных поцов. Конол javascript RCP 14
    Доч коман In order to avoid global surplus personnel and aggressive merger problems, the acquisition, management, and further dissolution of other companies will be left to children who have acquired a polar price. Leave the data handling to them! Stationary SBD 15
    Publisher From advertisin g-Great Minds Analytical Centres provides your own talent to pay more rewards. This is a mental ownership. Cortical bread craftsman PBL 16
    [Bakery name] That's right! Your undiscovered business abilities are so powerful and so versatile that you yourself have become a commodity on the stock market - you are one of the best that [Bakery Name] Bakery has to offer. Don't let your shareholders down! Invest in yourself now! You You 17

    Market Behavior [ ]

    The cost of promotions on the market is random, but follows some rules. Some criteria are influenced by the dragon's aura: "Supreme Intelligence" and "Reality Twist". Each promotion has a hidden delta, which decreases by 3% each tick (2% for "Supreme Intelligence", 2. 9% for "Reality Twist", and 1. 9% for both). Ticks can occur at any time. This is the significance of the delta being added to the promotion price on each tick and working at its own speed for promotions. Promotions have a remaining peace of mind based on the bank level, which is calculated in the future.

    Peace of mind cost = 10 x (id + 1) + bank degre e-1 = 10 pages (id + 1) + pag e-1 page.

    where id is an index: CRL-0, CHC-1, etc.

    So for example if you have a 10 grade bank, the promotion price at rest is equivalent to $19 for grain and $179 for publicist. With each tap, the promotion price moves by 1% to this value. It will be updated in the future.

    (Rest value-Rest value) x 0, 0 1-value) ¦0, 01 times & amp; amp; gt;

    After this, the promotion price changes according to the appropriate formula to any value betwee n-3 and 3:

    Then the delta fluctuates by a random value betwee n-0, 05 and 0, 05. There is a 15% chance that the promotion price will fluctuate by an additional random value betwee n-1, 5 and 1, 5 (for linear distribution), a 3% chance that the price will fluctuate by another additional random value betwee n-5 and 5 (betwee n-10 and 10 with Supreme Intelligence, betwee n-5, 5 and 5, 5 with Reality Bending, or betwee n-10, 5 and 10, 5), and a 10% chance that the promotion delta will fluctuate by an additional random value betwee n-0, 15 and 0, 15 (-0, 25 and 0, 25 when using Supreme Intellect, -0, 16 and 0, 16 when using Reality Bending, an d-0, 26 and 0, 26 when using both methods).

    In addition, each promotion is one of six modes with customized additional rules. The promotion mode is stored in the form of a digital personalized number between 0 and 5. These criteria are used once per tap in addition to the rules above, which are used regardless of mode.

    Normal Mode Selection
    ID Mode Chance Details
    0 Stable 12, 5% Promotion delta is reduced by 5%, fluctuating randomly betwee n-0. 025 and 0. 025.
    1 Slow Increase 25% Promotion delta decreases by 1% and then fluctuates between a random value betwee n-0, 005 and 0, 045.
    2 Slow Decline 25% Promotion delta decreases by 1% and then fluctuates between a random value betwee n-0, 045 and 0, 005.
    3 Expedited Increase 12, 5% Promotion cost fluctuates between a random value between 0 and 5 and its delta fluctuates between a random value betwee n-0, 015 and 0, 135. There is a 30% chance that promotion cost fluctuates between a random value betwee n-7 and 3 and its delta fluctuates between a random value betwee n-0, 05 and 0, 05. There is still a 3% chance that promotion will suddenly drop.
    4 Rapid drop 12, 5% Promotion cost varies by a random value betwee n-5 and 0, with a delta betwee n-0, 135 and 0, 015. There is a 30% chance that promotion cost varies by a random value betwee n-3 and 7, with a delta betwee n-0, 05 and 0, 05.
    5 Chaos 12, 5% The promotion delta fluctuates betwee n-0, 15 and 0, 15, with a 50% chance that the promotion price fluctuates betwee n-5 and 5, and a 20% chance that the delta fluctuates betwee n-1 and 1 (betwee n-4 and 4 for Supreme Intellect, betwee n-1, 3 and 1 and 3 for Reality Bending, and betwee n-4, 3 and 4, 3 for both).

    When promotion takes over the mode, it is given a random duration between 10 and 700 (10-500 for Supreme Intellect, 10-680 for Reality Bending, and 10-480 for both), decreasing by 1 tick. After this time has elapsed, a birth mode is selected according to the options above. If a promotion is in a state where it would spike or drop during a mode change, it has a 70% chance of going erratic rather than simply choosing a mode. When using Highest Intelligence, there is a 50% chance that the promotion will avoid the habitual choice entirely and go erratic instead (5% if using Refraction or Reality, 50% if using both modes).

    In addition, each tick has a 10% chance of triggering a round of instant mode changes (20% for Higher Intelligence, 11% for Reality Bend, 21% for both). When this happens, a single random value betwee n-1 and 1, called globD, is chosen for all promotions involved, and each promotion randomly (average 25%) quickly switches to another mode, instantly changing its own price and delta based on this globD as follows:

    • Promotion costs vary randomly between 2 and 9 + 7×delta scaled b y-globD:
    • Promotion delta fluctuates regularly within the scales scaled by globd:

    Finally, there is a strict restriction on the promotional price: $ 1 or less, and if the price is lower than $ 5, the promotion price increases by half of the distance to $ 5 (5-cost)/2. If the delta is negative than $ 5, the delta will decrease by further 5%. If the promotional price is higher than the market price, if the delta is positive, it will decrease by 10 %. Market prices will be calculated based on future bank value.

    Market price = 100 + 3 × (Bank valu e-1) = 100 + 3 _______ (_______________________________________________________________________________________ _ 1) & amp; gt ;.

    With Supreme Intellect [ ]

    The following is a summary of the quality of all stock markets affected by the supreme intelligence (bass / supreme intelligence / reality twist / both aura).

    1. The serious degree of basic delta is small for each tick
      • Significance: 3 % / 2 % / 2, 9 % / 1, 9
    2. Seriousness of 3 % probability that the base delta is randomly configured
      • Significance: -5 ~ 5 / -10 to 10 / -5, 5-5, 5 / -10, 5-10, 5
    3. Serious degree when a random promotion delta configuration occurs with a probability of 10%
      • Seriousness: -0, 15 → 0, 15 / -0, 25 → 0, 25 / -0, 16 → 0, 16 / -0, 26 → 0, 26
    4. Select a new random promotion delta when the promotion is confused with a 20%probability.
      • Seriousness: -1 ~ 1 / -4-4 / -1, 3 to 1, 3 / -4, 3-4, 3
    5. Maximum period until the selected promotion mode is resumed
      • Maximum continuation rate: 700/500/680/480
    6. One chance once. Avoid normal mode, and instead is frozen by Erratic.
      • Transpage probability: 0 % / 50 % / 5 % / 50

    Strategy [ ]

    The main strategy for gaining profits in the stock market is to buy at a low price and sell at the highest price. As a result, the significance of the security of each promotion (10x (ID+1)+bank leve l-1, and here the ID is promotion, CR L-0, CH C-1, etc.), and promotion is more significant than this cost. It is recommended that you purchase it when it is low and execute it when you return to a cool value. If you notice that the promotion is increasing slowly or rapidly, buy it as soon as possible and sell it as soon as it starts to stabilize.

    Alternatively, the relatively safe strategy is to wait until the promotion rate falls to $ 1 (as much as possible) and purchase all promotions (at least the maximum). There is no loss because the cost of the promotion is $ 1 or less. After that, we recommend that you replenish your account. During this time, a full drawer of the fund is guaranteed and you can make absolutely safe investment.

    This is not bad, as some promotions have all time staying in the measurement mode. The stock market is patience: Waiting for a phase that is advantageous to get it at low cost, and we are waiting for it to increase. With the highest cost promotion, they invest in more risky, as the damage caused by implementation quickly reduces gross profits, which has the potential to at least some promotion.

    In principle, stock markets are not much more profitable min i-games than "garden" and "Grimoir" for important time to gain low reliability and superiority. It is possible to obtain one profit by receiving revenue related to min i-games that increase CPS and loans that can be applied to GC configuration. As a result, it is recommended that you unlock all results in order not to apply the stock market except for the loan.

    To calculate a calm price, duplicate this table and fill in personal data on a specific rate. This table gives advice on acquisition or resale based on your average rate at a specific time.

    The best spirit is often reduced promotion to a fairly low price, making it a trivial shopping. By maintaining the promotion, destroying the best spirit has the ability to return the promotion to the previous price.

    For example, if you are quite patient, but raw CP will affect the garden and panthon, you can buy a broker early, and you keep it for a while, cost cost After you are satisfied with the decline (preferably, the cost cost is only 1-2 %, within 40-50 brokers), you can try planting the best CPS, these as WhiskerBloom and the pantone connector. The best combination of the pantheon is the Almas Moculum + Rubin Gorobrod-Slob + His Cyclus-Slot (up to 15 % of CPS-Fee). You can receive brokers at lower costs, slightly improving the efficiency of trading promotion.

    Achievements [ ]

    icon name explanation ID
    Main arrangement of promotion Get your first V judgment in the stock market. 457
    Number of beginners The stock market does not own at least 100 promotions. "I need to increase this number!" 458
    Poor and no noble Own owns as a minimum of 500 promotion from any market. "Is this person piercing the camel with a needle?" 459
    Full addition The market does not own at least 1. 000 promotion. 460
    Make my day 1 CPS for resale of stock marke t-rest on a day ($ 86. 400). 461
    Purchase 1 CPS for purchasing in the stock marke t-Sunday ($ 86. 462
    MLM Unlock the most valuable stock market headquarters. 464
    Mobile-asset [Note 1 Make a profit in the stock market more than $ 10 million. 537
    Commitment Receive the loan and go to the fine of the CPS. "Really lubricated with oil!" 637
    Ga s-like asset [Note 2(Shadow performance) Make your stock market exceed the CPS over the year ($ 31.) 463

    Unused "Opportunities" [ ]

    In the code of the "stock market" of the min i-game, there is an unused part that players can generate abilities. Ability is something that players can operate the stock market to some extent, and can be selected from three variations. In anticipation, these skills have all possibilities, such as the mode currently used, but players have the ability to freely pull them, or they before the appearance of the loan. Created, it is likely to be this for this, they actually establish themselves according to the value of the cabinet, and have three options, just like a loan. Assigning hints for probability can be obtained by adding this code to the console and entering the cursor:

    I am using a part of the power.

    In addition, this code allows the player to bring the cursor to his grandmother and see how the fragments of sugar were used. Ability can only be applied per hour. The fragment of the sugar completes this timer and "gives the economy of the economy."

    Trivia [ ]

    • The stock market is the only min i-game that is the only min i-game so far that players cannot consume sweet nodes and speed up processing (although there are unused code that can be arranged, see above).
    • The inscription "Dawh Jones Index" against the backdrop of the stock market is a Dow-Jones-index hyperlink.
    • As "Ryu assets" ($ 10 million earned) and "gas assets" ($ 31 million earned), the progress of these achievements decreases during ascension.

    Notes [ ]

    1. Regarding the content ↑, the previous benefits were one year, but now they have become shadows. In the beta version, the benefits have changed between 4 months and 3 months, but are now changed in units of 10 million yen.
    2. It was a simple achievement before, but in the renewal 2. 031, it became a shadow track record and changed to only the benefits of $ 10 million.
    Min i-game
    Garden bazaar Pantheon Grimoire
    Overview of the mini game category


    Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

    Last modified 19.04.2025

    The Stock Market is a Minigame in Cookie Clicker based on the Bank building. In the Stock Market, players can purchase cookies, recipes and ingredients, and. Welcome to the 9th edition of our help thread! BACK UP YOUR SAVE. There is the external wiki for more in depth information. Cookie Clicker is a incremental game created by French programmer Julien "Orteil" Thiennot. The user initially clicks on a big cookie on the screen.

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