WoW SoD Resto Druid Phase 5 BiS Talents Runes
WoW SoD Resto Druid
This article will show you the best WOW SOD Druid build for the opening season of WOW Classic. This build will show you the best talents, runes, visdresses, and enchantments for healing in dungeons and raids as a Druid.
📅 Last updated: September 27, 2024
Table of Contents- Druid Talents and Runes wow sod resto
- SOD PHASE 5 Resto Druid BIS List
- SOD PHASE 4 Resto Druid BIS List
- Biomed Druid-Linter List for SOD Phase 4 Raid
- Druid Healing Materials for SOD
- SOD Phase 3 Druid Ship BIS List
- Druid Enhancement Worker Stat Priority
- Druid Macros in WOW Classic
- Druid Build Details for Discovery Season
WoW SoD Resto Druid Talents & Runes
Choose the Right Talents and Runes as a Stage 5 Resto Druid at Level 60:
Where are the Druid Runes? The following list of resto druid biomes includes the best items available in the fifth phase of Season of Discovery:
SoD Phase 5 Resto Druid BiS List
Bashka ("Animist Eat")
- Crown, beautifully designed by Crystal ("Azurgoth")
- Sheikah (Evil Eye Jindu) (Zul'Grub)
- Ramen (Zandalar Signet of Serenity
- Stormrage Pauldrons (Blackwing Lair)
- Back Cloak
- Hakkari Loa (Zul'Grub)
- Crate (Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
- Stormrage Chestguard (Blackwing Lair)
- Wards (Enchant Bracer - Healing Power)
- Stormrage Bracers (Sold by undermined real Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale for 125.)
- Stormglass Hands
- Stormgrad Hips (Tsarevich Thunderer)
- Foot (Animist's Careess) Empowered Leggings (Blackwing Lair)
- Legs (Enchanted Boots - Small Speed) Blackwing Lai r-boots
SoD Phase 4 Resto Druid BiS List
Ring of Unshod Element (Blackwing Lair)
- Britton Rejuvenation Gem (Wrap Sorcerer Ushrai's Natural Charm (Zul'Grub)
- Gun (Enchanted Gun - Healing Power) gla'sir (Chernokryla - Law Chromatic Heart)
- Roshchi's Procurey Idol (Stranglethorn Vale, sold at Booty Bay for 15 Tarnished Spoiled Genuine Pix Xizzix
- Druys Restall's right bis list contains the best items you can get in the fourth phase of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:
- Bashka ("Arcanum of Focus") A beautifully designed crown made of crystal ("Az'shar's Az'ul'goth")
- Sheikah Golemaga Heart (Melted Core)
- Window (Atalai Signet of Silence Cenarion Spolder (Fused Core)
- Back (Enchanted Cloak - Greater Resistance) Reaser Working
- Chest (Spell Chest - Greater Condition)
- Ferral Heart Embrace (Save the Best for Last) 1
- Ferral Heart Embrace (Edging the Best for Last) 1
- Wrists (Enchant Bracer - Healing power) Feralheart Binding (Great Proposal) 2 Feralheart Binding (Great Proposal) 2
- Hands Bloodguard Dragon Gloves (PvP Rank 7) Knight Lieutenant Dragon Gloves (PvP Rank 7)
- Waist Belt Core Hound (Fused Core) 3
- Legs (Enchanted Boots - Small Speed) Blackwing Lai r-boots
Legs (Enchant Boots - Slow) Cenarion Boots (Fused Core)
Fire Resistance for Heat Level 2 and Heat Level 3
Rings Coating Stripes (Fused Core) Dragonlord's Insignia (Lower Blackrock Spire)
Keychains Sigil of Eldre'Thalas (Emerald Dream in Mol Hole) Talisman of Damaged Grove (PvP Event Stranglethorn Vale)
- Weapon (Enchanted Weapon - Healing Power) Aura Stone Hammer (Melted Core)
- Lifegiver's Offhand Slate (Alterak Valley-Exalted)
- Idol of the Grove (Sold to Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale for 15 Tarnished Subversive Reals)
- 1 This quest requires a Wildheart Cowl from Sholomans and a Wildheart Vest from Upper Blackrock Spire. 2 This quest requires a Wildheart Bracer to complete. Additionally, Horde players will need 15 samples of Silithus Poison from Stonelash Flayers and Rock Stalkers in the southern half of Silithus, and Alliance players will need 15 samples of Winterspring Blood from Frostsaber Cub and Frostsaber Stalker in the northern corner of Winterspring. 3 Thick Koahund Belt can be obtained by turning in a Koahund Belt, 25 Firelands Amber, and 2 Lava Core to Loctos Dark Bargainer in Blackrock Depths. The Koahund Belt is crafted through leatherworking and requires Lava Core material.
- To raid higher hit levels with Molten Core, you need to reach a Fire Resistance threshold. At Heat Level 2 you need at least 96 Fire Resistance, and at Heat Level 3 you need at least 226 Fire Resistance. To increase your Fire Resistance, you can equip gear, use enchantments and consumables, or receive buffs from Druid, Shaman 1, and Paladin 1.
- Use the following resources to increase your fire resistance to the desired baseline:
- Sign of the Wild (up to 27 fire resistance when upgraded, does not stack with fire resistance totems)
- Minor Arcanum of Fortitude (head and foot enchantment, Fortitude Libra)
- Blessed Flame Cloak of Dawn (Argent Dawn - Exalted), Flame Cloak of Dawn (Argent Dawn - Honoured)
- Hydraxian Coronation (Hydraxian Water Lord, Honoured)
- Juju Ember (Shardtooth Echo: 61, 8 38, Winter Spring: 2)
- Magic Resistance Potion (cannot be stacked with "Sign of the Wild" or "Fire Resistance Totem")
- Fireproof Feather from Tribal War (Top of Blackrock Spire)
- Fireproof Cloak (Melted Core)
- Salamander Shell Pants (Melted Core)
- High-Temperature Insulated Lava Dredge (Melted Core)
- Miniature Fire Extinguisher (Demon's Fall Canyon)
Tidal Loop (Hero Reward)
Water Protector (Hydraxian Water Lord - Honored)
Dragon Slayer's Mark (Onyxia's Head)
SoD Phase 4 Restoration Druid Pre-Raid BiS List
Miniature Combustion Chamber (Gnome Legan)
- Amulet of Drakefire (Blackrock Spire)
- Wildfire Cloak (Top of Blackrock Spire)
- Using fire resistance items often results in lower DPS compared to the BiS list. Once you get new raid items, recalculate your fire resistance and reoptimize your inventory.
- 🔥The Garr boss in Molten Core can dispel magic effects, so you need to make sure your druid reaches the fire resistance threshold for this special fight without Mark of the Wild. So you might need to have multiple off for this boss fight.
- 1 Most guilds don't recommend relying on Shaman's totems or Paladin's auras to reach the fire resistance minimum. If the aura or totem is out of range or the player dies, you have no fire resistance. Use the totems and auras as additional limitations, but calculate fire resistance without them.
- The Resto Druid BiS list below contains the best items you can get in Season of Discovery before starting your endgame offensive at level 60.
- Head (Arcanum of Focus) Dreamweaver's Crown (15 wild offering) Mooncloth Compasses (Customize)
- Neck Animated Chain (Stratholme Undead) Fiend's Heart (Scholomance)
- Shoulders (Atal'ai Signet of Serenity) Elite Shoulders (Argent Dawn - Revered & Tailoring) Feralheart Spaulder (Anthion's parting words) 1 Feralheart Spaulder (Anthion's parting words) 1
- Back (Enchanted Cloak: Greater Fire Resistance) Savage Hide (Leatherwork) Feather Skin Cloth (Sunken Temple)
- Coffin (Enchanted Coffin: Increased Stats) 2 Feralheart Embrace (Saving the best for last) 2 Mooncloth Robes (Customize) Robes of the Pious (Upper Blackrock Spire)
- Wrists (Enchanted Bracers - Greater Intelligence) 3 Feral Heart Bindings (Great Proposal) 3 Funeral Manacles (Blackrock Lower Striker)
- Dragon's guardian's guardian's gloves (PvP7 rank) Lieutenant Night Dragon gloves (PvP7 rank) Ambendy Herold's hand (black croquing) resting glove (Diamol East)
- World Drop Ferral Heart Code (Just Correction) 4 ISTCD (Diamor West) Wipbine Code (Diamor East)
- Feet (Glutabolism Small Arcanam) Dragon Lager Laga Corps soldiers (PvP Rank 8) Knights of Dragon Lagi (PvP Rank 8) Luna Leggings (Sewing) Ferral Heart Pants (Antion Barewy) 1 Ferral Heart pants ( Antion's goodbye words) 1 1
Legs (enchantment of boots-low speed) Luna cloth boots (sewing) Fralhart sandals (parting words) 1 Fralheart sandals (Antion's parting)
Resto Druid Consumables in SoD
Dragon's lord's ring (side of Nizin i-Brakroku) Printing (in the west Plagerand Dream) Printing Revender (Stratorm Stratorm) Blood Prophet Orchestra (Color Temple) Rosewain Circle (Color Temple) Rosewain Circle (Live Stratolm) PRINTING (THE CULULIZED TEMPLE) BLAHERCROK SPIRE)
- The Royal Printing of Eldre'Talas ("Emerald Dream") Talisman of the Damaged Grove SSS ") Splash of Knowledge (" Black City Depths ") The Second Wind ("BLARON'S DEPTHS")
- Weapon (Enchanting Weapons-Healing Power) Goblin's Mandarinum (Strangly Sornwail, Booty Bay Pix Zicks sold in 50 Fedes destroyed) Hobriss, Robbery (submerged temple) Sage Claf (Arati Basun- Exalted) (Arati Basun-Exalted) A hammer of mercy.
- Blood prophets taken out of Libertin's hand (underground temple) (Lesse Valley Valley Shinto Law's brilliant stone (Northern Devil) (Bottom Bra Rock Bracock)
- Idol Roshiti (Strangl Sorn Vail, selling real Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay for $ 15)
- 1 To complete this task, it requires "Wild Heart Boots" from Black Rock Spire, "Wild Heart Quilt" from Stras Orum, and "Wild Heart Sporter" from Black Rock Spire. 2 To complete this task, you need a wild heart cowl from the choromance and a wild heart vest from the upper spire of black rock. 3 To complete this quest, you need Bracelets of the Unbridled Heart. In the case of race players, 15 in the southern half of Sirisus, STONELASH FLAYER and ROCK STALKER, 15 Sirisus poisoned samples, and for alliance players, the Northern half of the Winter Spring, the FrostSaber Stalker from the FrostSaber Stalker. I need 15 samples. 4 To complete this quest, you need a Waist of the Wild Heart of Gloves of the Wild Heart and BlackRock Spire in STRATHOLME.
SoD Phase 3 BiS List for a Resto Druid
The following consumables list can be used by level 60 rest druids in the final attack:
- Wisdom flask
- Sorcerer oil or little mana oil
- Large mana potion
- Devil Runes
- Night fin soup
- The following lists include the best items for restoring druids available in phase 3 in the voyage era. In order to get the best items in this game, you need to get a loot in 20 heads of SUNKEN TEMPLE and participate in the PvP.
- Lesser Arcanum of Gluttony (Deep Sanctum) Gyre Channeler's Hood (LeatherWorking) Dreamweaver's Circlet (15 Rampant Tribute)
- Neck Pendant (Nome Regan) Flawless Remnant's Eye (Sunken Sanctum)
- Lamena (Atal Eye Mojo's signet) Dark neurosis membrane (leather work) obsession shoulder (leather work)
- Back (Enchant Cape Grator Counter) Fuku Hackscape (Sinking Sacred Area) Drape of feather feathers (sacred sanctuary)
- Chest chest (enchantment chest-Statistics) Lost armor (sinking shrine) Eternal hug (sinking shrine)
- Wrist (Enchard Bracer Grator In Telect) Dry Aid's wrist (Warsong Gulc h-EXALTED) Atal Eye's wrist (SUNKEN TEMPLE)
- Hexer Glove Atal Eye's Hand (Seto Inland Sea Shrine) Healing Glove Atal Eye (Seto Inland Sea shrine)
- Unbridled Offerings of the unbridled person (15 UNDERSANCTUARY) in Emerald Dream
Legs (small alkanam of the food) Losted leggings (sanctuary) cursed wind scales (sanctuary sanctuary)
Legs (Enchant Boots-Low-speed) Lost worshiper amulets (sanctuary of backwater) Swederich boots (sanctuary of backwater)
Resto Druid Stat Priority
Ring Harbor Drake Croch (Sinking Temple) Blood Cyclopare Band (Sinking Temple) Cyclopare Band
- BRITICS ruined Forest Amulet (Pv p-Production of Plains of the Fragrance Horns) Small Video Camera (Nomargan) Acolicid Boid Jewel (deep in blackfatom)
- Restore Mojo's magic wand (underground sanctuary) toolscabris, theft (underground sanctuary) blood prophetic dragon Granit (underground sanctuary) Rod (underground sanctuary).
- Examination of anger (Gnomargan) Mushrooms, expansion of understanding (mystery of blackfatom)
- Duruis restol can be more hostile if there are few raids required for RAID or play as of f-collar. If you want to make the recovery maximum or if you are considered a RAID physician, use the specified object. It is recommended that you apply an object with+healing in a raid pool, which was formed for a while, formed the most unatified RAID and the underground temple shared pool.
- Use the magnificent vessel in Stage 3 to approve of how to prepare the chain Gunei-conductor cap and dark maneuet.
Druid Macros in WoW Classic
As a druid, you want to support objects with appropriate indicators:
More Builds for Druids in Season of Discovery
Game critical
Tank Spec for Druids
Recovery/ loss by spells
DPS Spec for Balance Druids
Mana for 5 seconds (MP5)
DPS Spec for Feral Druids
Can We Improve This Document?
Create a lot of macros for Wow Classic Druids to make personal gameplay better. You can find important macros in our leadership "Macro for Wow Classic's Druid". After reading the example, you will learn how to run and write macros autonomously.
Druid is a genuine hybrid. Of the nine play of Wow Classic-Knit-Class, only two classes have all the opportunities to apply four different game manners. Drui d-only once from the two classes. They have all the opportunities to apply heels, tags and DPS, for example, in a distant battle with their neighbors.
You can do it so that you can do it so that you are actually a promise, everyone can quickly ignore these seemingly accurate {} people. can. This is optimized to maintain the enemy agro and reduce the damage coming in.
Wow Sod Balance DPS Spec is used to balance with dungeons and raids. It is optimized to deal the maximum damage as a spell for lon g-range battle.
Use the Wow Sod Felid DPS specifications to play as a ferral druid in a dungeon or raid. This has been optimized to do maximum damage in the proximity battle in catalies.
Restoration Druid PvP Stat Priority, Gear, and Trinkets — The War Within (Season 1)
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- Careful equipment selection is very important for Restoration Druid in PvP. We provide statistical values that help you select an appropriate status item and introduce the remaining equipment and dressing equipment.
- Guide for repair druid in PvP
- Contents of this page
The statistical priority of recovery druids in PVP is as follows:
Gear Recommendations
General Guidelines
- Craftsmanship
- Make money;
- Critical hit
- Intelligence is the best indicator in history. The more necessary secondary statistics are versatile. This increases the damage / healing you do and reduces the damage you have. Professionalism is a powerful restoration, as healing increases as the healing effect is applied to the task.
- In general, Restoration Druids wants mana's recovery and survival. The status you want to improve is Intelligence or Versibility. The main reasons for increasing Intelligence are important to increase the total number of Restoration actions. Detailed information about spells in PVP can be found on the dedicated page.
- Here are some recommended ammunition for Restoration Druid.
- Head: Argali Rival Leather Mas k-Mask made with versatility and expertise.
- Neck: Algari Rival Talisman (Argari Rival Talisman) ..........................
- Shoulder: Jaw Great Links
- Mant: Warrior forged cloak
- Chest: Great Links
- Wrist: Warrior Forged Bracer
- Talent bracer of hand warrior
- Waits: Warrior Forged Bracer
- Leg: Forged leather leggard for graddiator
- Leather boots for footwea r-made in consideration of versatility and professionalism.
Ring 1: Gradiator forged signal
Restoration Druid Tier Set
Ring 2: Argali Rival Signal (prepared to support versatile and expertise)
- Equipment 1: Forged medalion of a swordfighter
- Body tools 2: Cruel coat's cruel forged signal
Main weapon: Gradiator forged seda
Restoration Druid Embellishments
Weapons outside the game: Gradiator Hocus Pocas forged
- Note: Be sure to wear two PvP key chains. This increases stamina and status, and increases the probability of survival.
- As mentioned above, it is important to get bonuses in both two and four sets. Also note that PVP decreases by 50 % for all level sets. This is a significant decrease, but it is important to buy a level set to maximize the chance to win. In the case of RESTORATION DRUIDS, this is the level set:
Gems and Enchants
2 sets: Restoration, wild growth, and hig h-speed healing increase by 10 %.
- 4 set: Use the soul bonus of the forest and the recovery force increases by 8%for 6 seconds.
- Four sets are required for recovery druids, but we recommend purchasing two sets.
- The decoration is a bonus that can be applied to craft equipment. These effects have a dramatic impact on the game. There are up to two decorations that can be equipped at once. Click here for recommended decorations for repaired druids:
- Beacon of energy recovery. If health is 80%or more, direct healing will be redistributed to up to 2%of health. This is suitable for enhancing the overall healing effect. Since this effect is stacked, it is recommended to use two beacons.
- Twilight Thread Lining This decoration greatly enhances versatility when health is 80%or more.
- Here we introduce the best enchantment for recovery druids:
- Manant: Enchantment cloak "whispering silk speed
Casette: Enchanted Counsel Intelligence
- Bracelet Enchantment Blacer: Changing armor speed
- Leg: Dave Lake Spells Red
- Boot Enchantment Boots: Scout March
- Ring Ring: Enchantment Ring
- Weapon: Enchantment Weapon "Stonebound Artistory
- Versatile Onyx is the best jewel. It is better to use cognitive Bloodstone for metallock.
- 29 September 2024: Recommended equipment has been updated.
- September 16, 2024: Recommended equipment has been updated.
- Recommended decoration has been updated.
- Recommended enchantment has been updated.
- Recommended equipment has been updated.
- The level set bonus has been updated.
- 29 September 2024: Recommended equipment has been updated.
- "Ornament" item has been added.
- The item of "jewelry and enchantment" has been updated.
- "Ornament" item has been added.
- 29 September 2024: Recommended equipment has been updated.
- The level set item has been updated.
- Updated items for attention.
- TRINKETS has been added to the recommended equipment.
- Added Tier-Set section.
