The Goonhammer Review The 10th Edition Necrons Index Goonhammer
The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Necrons Index
9th edition was a history of gains and losses for the Necrons, because they were one of the first books published, and the books published afterwards, as we call them in this community, the Codex, showed a strength that the first Code could never match. This fact will never be properly acknowledged, but you can see how it is reflected in the rules, amplifications, and changes that the army has undergone over the years. More specifically, all the models in this book have a core tag, and they are not just four different units.
With the release of 10th edition, this is no longer the case. What we have before us is a world of truly lifeless armies, my friends, an army of robotic space zombies. What I don't like about this army will concern veteran players who are used to the fact that the Reanimation Protocol works in a certain way. The way this army fights is completely different than it used to be. From the CPR Protocol to the quantum shield, this army is made to force you to focus on your characters and the characters with detachments. Of course, this is augmented by a new form of Command Protocol. What is it? Well... let's talk about the CPR Protocol first.
Another entry: Before we begin, we want to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a copy of the index for review.
Army Rule
CPR Protocol is the strength that a Necron army will most likely receive during a mission phase. A army with CPR Protocol activates the protocol and repairs D3 wounds (before modifying any other effects).
If any models in the detachment have lost some of their activation wounds, one of them is chosen to repair the lost wounds. This process is repeated every time the detachment repairs its wounds. On the other hand, if all models in a detachment have initial wounds but the detachment's strength is below its initial strength (i. e. there are not enough models due to losses), the destroyed model returns to the detachment with one remaining wound. This is very well illustrated by the example given in the rules: keep adding wounds to the detachment until you have used all your strength, including the repaired models. Surprisingly, this means that "live metal" has disappeared as a separate entity.
On paper, this has a very inconvenient way to ris e-no, for example, a large number of wounds, as in some other implementation, as in some other implementation. You need to get the utility there, as you have implemented the rigor. Last but not least, there is a way to simulate these mechanics as a result. Among them are the resuscitation of balls, rea r-nimates, and stratagem, the Protocol of the Immortal Corps. The 1st version will be the leading phase of both players, and in the case of a team beak, the unit within a radius of 6 inches will launch the protocol when the unit is ranked in the opponent's phase. The effects of the rearmate are significantly increased as a whole-a unit with a radius of 12 inch revives Helpd3, which is actually considered to be a major improvement (it can be obtained by both movements in combination with spheres). Eventually, this is very basic, but stratata gamer shoots your unit and destroys only one model, so if you try to concentrate, for example, then then then then. You can make a restart, you can resume it, you can use the wounds between the wounds, at least some effects, for example, the integrated probability of the unit.
Tsubasa: This stratum is incredibly wonderful, especially if the cryptoral, which is going to be, is added.
These are quite basic, in combination with the improvement of tools that produce superfalls and the decline in some army mortality, which means that these legal abilities are now significant.
Detachment Rules
Necron overload. Credit: CHRIS COWIE < SPAN> On the paper, this has a very inconvenient and rising abilit y-like a number of wounds, for example, as in some other implementation. , It is necessary to get utility there, as your unit has implemented all the rigor. Last but not least, there is a way to simulate these mechanics as a result. Among them are the resuscitation of balls, rea r-nimates, and stratagem, the Protocol of the Immortal Corps. The 1st version will be the leading phase of both players, and in the case of a team beak, the unit within a radius of 6 inches will launch the protocol when the unit is ranked in the opponent's phase. The effects of the rearmate are significantly increased as a whole-a unit with a radius of 12 inch revives Helpd3, which is actually considered to be a major improvement (it can be obtained by both movements in combination with spheres). Eventually, this is very basic, but stratata gamer shoots your unit and destroys only one model, so if you try to concentrate, for example, then then then then. You can make a restart, you can resume it, you can use the wounds between the wounds, at least some effects, for example, the integrated probability of the unit.
Detachment Ability
Tsubasa: This stratum is incredibly wonderful, especially if the cryptoral, which is going to be, is added.
These are quite basic, in combination with the improvement of tools that produce superfalls and the decline in some army mortality, which means that these legal abilities are now significant.
Necron overload. Credit: On CHRIS COWIE paper, it has a very convincing ability to ris e-not, for example, as in some implementation, as in the implementation of some other implementation. You need to get utility there, as the unit has implemented all the rigor. Last but not least, there is a way to simulate these mechanics as a result. Among them are the resuscitation of balls, rea r-nimates, and stratagem, the Protocol of the Immortal Corps. The 1st version will be the leading phase of both players, and in the case of a team beak, the unit within a radius of 6 inches will launch the protocol when the unit is ranked in the opponent's phase. The effects of the rearmate are significantly increased as a whole-a unit with a radius of 12 inch revives Helpd3, which is actually considered to be a major improvement (it can be obtained by both movements in combination with spheres). Eventually, this is very basic, but stratata gamer shoots your unit and destroys only one model, so if you try to concentrate, for example, then then then then. You can make a restart, you can resume it, you can use the wounds between the wounds, at least some effects, for example, the integrated probability of the unit.
Tsubasa: This stratum is incredibly wonderful, especially if the cryptoral, which is going to be, is added.
These are quite basic, in combination with the improvement of tools that produce superfalls and the decline in some army mortality, which means that these legal abilities are now significant.
Necron overload. Credit: Chris Cowie
The unit I got as a gift is called Awakened Dynasty. This unit has an option called "Command Protocols", which is a template for building your legion list. While each Necron character is leading a unit, the models in that unit get +1 to hit rolls for every attack they make. While leading a unit, the character basically hits on a 2 (3 for warriors/crypteks). Think about the number of characters. Starting with the mighty Overlords, to all the Cryptek variations, when Treizen is on the tabletop, we are invited to use a variety of characters and alternatives. The Crypteks highlight all the possibilities that can be attached to the units, and if you like to play around with different configurations and setups, this is a dream come true, and in general great functionality. This also has an unusual effect on the characters themselves, who also benefit from this, for example, flawed weapons that are theoretically disadvantaged to hit on 3s become quite strong.
The improvements are simply amazing, almost all of them are usable, which is not typical for all indexes. Veil of Darkness makes a great comeback, but works a little differently. This constriction can only be applied once per battle, at the end of your opponent's turn, if the unit it's attached to isn't within the defeat radius of any enemy unit. If this unit is on the battlefield, remove it from the battlefield. During the reinforcement step of your next movement phase, place this unit more than 25cm horizontally away from all enemy models on the battlefield. I see this skill becoming more common in independents, but I have a feeling it'll be special for many Necron players, especially one that will earn the nod from Lokhusts.
Next up is one that will likely be seen at almost every table: Sempiternal Weave. It's a simple and great update that can be applied to any Necron character, giving them the ability to "feel no pain for 4+". This skill can be used in a variety of ways, and is even more powerful in the command ship, especially considering the low d3 heal.
Before I give away any spoilers about what's next, I have to say one thing.
I will tell you just in the GW game workshop. Make sure that this luggage does not ride Unnown C'TAN. I don't consider what you want to say about the data, but you're already mastering the data in the ninth edition. Please rescue us from this monster.
The bestseller is not over yet. This time is perfect for making supe r-powerful dead balls. Hyper Material Ablator provides stealth to the unit and provides support in the open area at the time of launch by Limit 12. Placing Lihigard's injury-1 is quite fun and a full-fledged texture stands out. If you want to put out a tank in a completely different direction, the last figure, Sovolin Corona is just right. You can use command protocols and stronger versions of strategies in cases where you can release an aura as if the character is led by the unit. Necrons can now freely use quite powerful corps, but not all units have their favorite ability. For example, this is a way to fully draw their potential (very powerful).
All of these four options will definitely be widely used.
Necron Techno Mancer Credit Pendulin
Necron's unit is leaded by the character, keeping the theme of how it affects the results, and let's move on to cunning. The protocol that we were absorbed in in the previous work is a strategy that does various fascinating things worthy of its name, and almost all of them are bad. Apart from this, all of the units are led by characters (except for the endless Guardian), and the themes of the unit are further enhanced.
First, the protocol of the immortal corps mentioned above. With one commandpoint, if the opponent allows the unit to attack, and at least one Necron model in the unit died by the opponent, the first Necron unit resus protocol. Can be started. If the character is still conducting this unit, the injury of D3+1 will be restored. This alone is wonderful, but if you add luggage such as the Canoptek Reanimator or Necron warrior, such as the ability to recover D3 + 3 in the target, it will be ridiculous. Looking at the Nekron warrior released in Warhammer Community, if a Necron warrior lands on the goal near the Lia n-Meter, it will hurt 4+2D3.
In the revenge of the Star Protocol, it can be troublesome during the enemy's shooting phase. After the opponent's attack is over, and the opponent has killed at least one model of the target unit, you can counterattack in 1CP. If this unit is conducted by the character, you will also gain the ability to ignore support. This skill has several important uses: perfect for LOKHUSTS, and the opponent throws a number of fires to damage warriors and images large units, and what happens to it. It has a very powerful effect if it is not assumed. This is also the motivation for creating a three-bodies formation of Lokhust Heavys-If your opponent shoots one with a tank, you may simply die because of the pride. It's a classic necrones. The Immortal Tesla buffed more than 5 critical hits by plasmaser is also very troublesome. The burning smell of ozone is irresistible.During the shooting phase, the tool for creating a turbood is the Protocol for the Tyrant, which is 1CP, which can completely relive the wound in the hal f-range radius, and if there is a leader, it will relive the full range. can. Six Lockhust with LockHust Lord seems to be a very good game shape in this index, one of the most important factors. If this means to be in a range, a flashstorm protocol that can be attacked by weapons and can remodel the progress roll is the best. One of the few disadvantages of Necrons is that the unit speed is slightly slower (and the new FLY rules must be followed). If you want to kill something during the battle, give S +1, and use Hungry VoidOtocol, which increases the AP by one if you have a leader. Just like how good this strata gem is, this strata gem may be the most noticeable, but it is still very good in the right situation. < SPAN> The revenge of the revenge can be troublesome during the enemy's shooting phase. After the opponent's attack is over, and the opponent has killed at least one model of the target unit, you can counterattack in 1CP. If this unit is conducted by the character, you will also gain the ability to ignore support. This skill has several important uses: perfect for LOKHUSTS, and the opponent throws a number of fires to damage warriors and images large units, and what happens to it. It has a very powerful effect if it is not assumed. This is also the motivation for creating a three-bodies formation of Lokhust Heavys-If your opponent shoots one with a tank, you may simply die because of the pride. It's a classic necrones. The Immortal Tesla buffed more than 5 critical hits by plasmaser is also very troublesome. The burning smell of ozone is irresistible.During the shooting phase, the tool for creating a turbood is the Protocol for the Tyrant, which is 1CP, which can completely relive the wound in the hal f-range radius, and if there is a leader, it will relive the full range. can. Six Lockhust with LockHust Lord seems to be a very good game shape in this index, one of the most important factors. If this means to be in a range, a flashstorm protocol that can be attacked by weapons and can remodel the progress roll is the best. One of the few disadvantages of Necrons is that the unit speed is slightly slower (and the new FLY rules must be followed). If you want to kill something during the battle, give S +1, and use Hungry VoidOtocol, which increases the AP by one if you have a leader. Just like how good this strata gem is, this strata gem may be the most noticeable, but it is still very good in the right situation. In the revenge of the Star Protocol, it can be troublesome during the enemy's shooting phase. After the opponent's attack is over, and the opponent has killed at least one model of the target unit, you can counterattack in 1CP. If this unit is conducted by the character, you will also gain the ability to ignore support. This skill has several important uses: perfect for LOKHUSTS, and the opponent throws a number of fires to damage warriors and images large units, and what happens to it. It has a very powerful effect if it is not assumed. This is also the motivation for creating a three-bodies formation of Lokhust Heavys-If your opponent shoots one with a tank, you may simply die because of the pride. It's a classic necrones. The Immortal Tesla buffed more than 5 critical hits by plasmaser is also very troublesome. The burning smell of ozone is irresistible.
During the shooting phase, the tool for creating a turbood is the Protocol for the Tyrant, which is 1CP, which can completely relive the wound in the hal f-range radius, and if there is a leader, it will relive the full range. can. Six Lockhust with LockHust Lord seems to be a very good game shape in this index, one of the most important factors. If this means to be in a range, a flashstorm protocol that can be attacked by weapons and can remodel the progress roll is the best. One of the few disadvantages of Necrons is that the unit speed is slightly slower (and the new FLY rules must be followed). If you want to kill something during the battle, give S +1, and use Hungry VoidOtocol, which increases the AP by one if you have a leader. Just like how good this strata gem is, this strata gem may be the most noticeable, but it is still very good in the right situation.
- And finally, the legal ability to appear on their feet every time is the main method of the Necrons, and their infantry have every chance to create this with the support of the Endless Guardian protocol, which is in half wounds. This is somewhat unusual due to the fact that unlike most versions of this effect that are included at the end of the phase, this occurs immediately after your liquidation, and if, for example, you are interrupted by an enemy that has numerous attacks mercilessly, this is not mandatory to fit anything. The flip side of this is that while the given element works, most others have a chance to fail, for example, if you get shot and you don't have any more attacks, or the enemy pushes the cryptote with precision, this has the ability to help. Also the best is Illuminor Szeras, which is a 9W infantry type and gives absolute terror when put on the ground. Great job breaking through the 9W.
- Wings: In the Liam fight, I made sure to use it frequently so that my opponent would like it.
- Necrons for surprise is actually a large number of data sites, which is explained by the fact that they acted one of the last waves of resin - Signs, and two separate reconstructions of the plastic set. This allocates a whole set of varieties for you, and you really need glasses to fix what really works here. The excess of varieties is felt more poignantly with every possibility that the favorite joins the warrior or the immortal or Richard. Apart from this, the Cryptecs have every possibility that the second joins the unit as a favorite if the first is a generous or royal overseer, and in fact, a set of unimaginable possible configurations is highlighted. Let's start with the characters.
- Credit: Robert "Thechirurgeon" Jones
- So, let's start with something like this: for all the main units, you can't make a mistake with vanilla-overlords. They are not quite safe in duels, but rather hardy, so if your opponent does not use the difficult project "Accuracy", they will not be shaken, and the death of them and the bodyguards will have to own the case, but their important peculiarity is that they are actually dressed in an atmosphere of resurrection and have the usual legal ability for the 10th series "1 Darovaya Stratagem for the Round of the Battle". Once the Lord has the opportunity to apply this ability in each operation, but this means that for you, every time you need it once in the most hated core - the tier of Necrons is read?
- In fact, they have another plus in this project. The leading power 4+ is thought to be in the best category in this game, and in fact it is unlikely that you will receive a battle hit, and you can follow these strategies. It's very good.
- Liam: Apparently, it turned out that the meaning of this command was so good that GW adjusted the command to 6+ on the public map. It is good to maintain a loop.
It is followed by an impressive list of other NOBLEs, and depending on the price, some are not. It is worth noting that none of them have chosen a charity strategy, which is likely to actually put a standard overload in the first box. Easy information:
IMOTEKH features additional CPs for you every turn, featuring intellectual shooting, melee battle, and once a game of AOE. But he has no strengthening the personal unit at all, and he has the ability to claim that he is actually trying to organize the army.
Unlarker has the ability to participate in immortal army alone, but gives a strong +1 on the injury every day, has the ability to neutralize nearby vehicles during the opponent's skirmish phase, and is hit if he receives warshocks. Giv e-1. In addition, there is the ability to neutralize nearby vehicles during the opponent's skirmish competition phase, and if you are shocked at the time, you will hi t-1. If the knight is a major meta form, it can prove that this is a very necessary package. For example, immortal people often have a complete repetition of wounds and can actually do surprising damage with chips.
Trazin guarantees his strict goals for his unit and has a method of acquiring his own patent: After death he is replaced with other Infantrible Morals. This is quite noticeable, but as a compromise, his aggressive attack is garbage. However, many crypto decks can be used freely, and for example, it is possible to play here.
ZahnDrekh gives three buffs to the leading phase at a random timing and gives Devastating Wounds in 5-6. Devastating Wounds is activated in 5-6. This brings a very advantageous development, but one of his skills is usually not functioning in his units. Fortunately, this has two effects: one of the enemy strata gem is increased by one per game, which is actually quite amazing. This young man seems to be quite plausible, depending on where his value drops. As a result, you see him as one of the options.
Obyron has the ability to tag with ZahnDrekh and gives you the option of fighting first for the attached unit. Fighting first is pretty good in 10th, but it seems that there is no need to upgrade your strength than any of the units you can be friends or any other unit.
Vanilla Lords give you +1" movement and the ability to use stratagems while combat shocked. Bring on the vibe of resurrection and you can play them cheaply and if you already have a Lord elsewhere.
Royal Wardens are kind of Elethren in that they're compatible with Crypto decks, which is frankly awesome. They shoot well, add charge/heavy to the weapons of the squad they're leading (Gaussheft, for example, is no longer built-in), and can easily auto-battleshock adjacent squads once per game. Mine's been sitting on a shelf since the days of indmitus.
The game definitely has some reliable options. Functionally, there are five Crypts to choose from, four regulars and Orikan, three of which are primarily defensive and two are intended to taunt the enemy. First, let's deal with the sad stuff. Psychomantes are pretty nasty. They can combat shock in the shooting phase and try to impose a small debuff on LD, but this is practically worth the money compared to the other options. Combat shock in the shooting phase is pretty narrow, not bad, but you already have the option of OVEver at the start of the course. Frankly, for this to be seriously noteworthy, it would need to have automatic shock, and even then it would be small.
Among the offensive options, Plasma is more favored, with a chance to land multiple lethal hits on the enemy, and a critical shot for the 5+ detachment he leads. Plasmids work really well with invulnerable Teslas, allowing a squad of 5 to hit 1 in 10, or 1 in 10. Plasmids inherit the abilities of the units they join, so they also gain the ability to use wounds that receive invulnerability, making them a really powerful thing to use in tier-reserves or second waves.
Chronomantle Source: Rockfish
But the real strength here is the Guardian Cryptex, all three are very strong and will likely be a staple in many lists. Technomantle works really well with Licht - giving it a 5+ painless detachment and leading it off. More subtly, it also helps with mobility. Putting a Cryoptech Mantle on one of them allows them to act alone while flying alone, but doesn't prevent them from joining a detachment. Having a 10" flying speed and being able to project in the direction you want to attack is very important. The 5+ Feel no pain is of course very good as well, so it's great for warriors.
Next up in vanilla options are the Chronomanters. Unfortunately, they've lost the ability to choose their weapon and now only get Eonsave. This is a tragedy of course, but still, the Chronomanters have a lot of advantages. While they're heading towards the detachment, opponents are a t-1. This is very effective against armies without infantry, going for a fire and fade style after shooting, shifting to 5" if not in the defeated zone. Chronomantle pairs very well with Royal Overseer, as the latter gives the weapon storm, meaning you can move forward and shoot, then move a little extra. This is useful for getting more lumbering units, like big brickwins, into the fight.
And finally, Orikhan sends. Nothing complicated here. They just give their squad a 4+ saving invulnerability, which is very impressive and great for warriors and slashing bulls. They also have a very strong combat entertainer based on the fact that tomorrow's personnel have devastating wounds. Once a game, they get a boost in attack and power by evenly casting stars, giving them 6A at S12, and the wounds they cause are decisive. Against T12 and below, this means you can rely on 8-10 mortals, which is a far cry from once a game to get a buff from a character. Expect a standard rush when buying resin sets.
Vladika Skorupev Credit: Wings
Is it over yet? No. Loksta and Destroyer have Sovereigns, who have the opportunity to join, but surprisingly (considering that Skorpekh was in the wing for the entire 9th year as well), they have a more serious rival. They are pretty stubborn, bring a revival vibe to the party, and stand out as unique units with hazards of 5 and above. This is pretty cool considering that the lethal hit Gauss-Gun has dropped to S5. Apart from this, they are considered necessary carriers of improvements that make the unit really sing, especially the Veil of Darkness. They consider surprise attacks to be powerful units, and can be handled elementally, for example with the "Council of Mee (Wing)" - Lokfust support and Reichguard/Tirch-Kit details. Here's my case.
Lord Skorpekh is slightly ugly in his own project of genocidal power, but is at least obliged to arrange a personal unit that is somewhat excellent for this. They actually add "Deathblow" which is considered to be a strong effect, and also "Mortal" in the attack, but we have actually experienced, Necrons are rather a synergistic army, and as a result, scorpions have a chance of staying behind.
3 left. A little more. Great. And the rest - unconditional whip.
Firstly, there are the Catacombs Command Ships. They are seriously hard, if you add Sabotage Weaving to them (with 4+ invulnerability and income from the quasi-man) you have every chance of discerning the aura that buffs the target's control and causing an atmospheric halt of atmospheric resurrection that causes a resurrection to the 1st close-up unit in the opponent's assign phase. With Weaving, they are pretty good universes of elementals that have every chance of acting alone in the lead to the flank, and can help other armies if this is your value.
Necron Hexmark Destroyer Credit: pendulin
A contender for the title of the most advanced unit... OK, this is the last day of disclosure, for example, actually, what we can say, basically the whole game is Hexmark. This is a guy! First of all, this is a lone operative, for example, it is not easy to shoot at a distance, and in this disclosure, we remembered that their weapons need different AP to regulate something - they still make 6 shots, but now, a t-1 accurate. In fact, it actually prepares them badly for some army buff-personnel. At a basic level. And then - any other. Finally, they provide bottomless blows at the beginning - nice, tight, we like it. Plus, they get for nothing just for the move, and beat them with 2c when they do it. Makes a pretty nice, accurate difficulty, we like it. After this, the last part of the recipe is the multi-ending eliminator. Every time the enemy shoots an Onitar on a good Necron-unit in Radius 3, "Haxmark receives a chance to shoot this later". Is it mandatory to shoot at someone who shoots at you? No. Are there limits to your chances? Not yet. Is there accuracy? Of course. The game with this guy is to put him in a bottomless blast, wait until the opponent moves his troops to the 1st alpha of your boulder, and then keep it skillfully.
Necron Warriors
... This statement also applies to the porthole Xeraths, who finally realized the criteria suitable for their brand new cool set. They have every chance to work alone while friendly units are 3 inches, they have a great look for buffs - warriors and immortality (+1 to own AP, -1 to incoming AP), strong damage and it is very hard to destroy them. They are T8, 9W C 4+ Saviour in invulnerability and 4+ feel no pain, and when they die the first time, they can be restarted at 5W. They really "tank half of Almia" and evoke a ridiculous practicality.
Yes, on a technical level, these are characters, but they have a personal part. C'tan has undergone perestroika since the 9th version - almost no phase-cover and lethal tricks, instead of this only unconditional claw protection profile, large projectile attacks for their forces and advanced close combat. All varieties have invulnerability, T11 C 4+ that saves 12W and reduces damage by half, actually quite large numbers for protection profile, and above all, they have CPR protocol that is a bit hardened, for example.
What do they do? Nightbringer is still a versatile killing machine, has a strong range from 9 levels, and the most important D2 has been added to 14A. Their shooting also provides the unpleasant possibility of spikes, and at the end of each phase of the battle, it develops a great AOE effect of fatal injuries.
Other Robots
The Void Dragon is also a more special but killer: its spear has 2+ ant i-transportation, hit like a truck, but is a little inferior. But not everything is terrible-their cleaning has been switched to D2, so it can easily break the space marine, and the Voltaic Storm's gun attack is an excellent versatile profile.
Scammers also benefit from the general increase of the level of close combat: He now throws 8A to the S8 AP-3 that is not as scary as others, but it is no longer a good change for him. It does not fall to elite infantry. Furthermore, thanks to stealth, it is the most difficult to shoot, and after the configuration of both camps, three detachments are transferred free of charge (including transfer to strategic reserve army), and a very valuable shooting attack "precision ant i-character" You will have a "destruction forest" and will afflict your opponent. Very cool.
Finally, the only hero who is not an epic is a transcendental person who does not receive CPR, but as mentioned above, can submit a bab. We recommend that you do not calculate what you need to kill such a hero for your health. Don't worry. The next thing they can do is that they are pretty coo l-unpleasant shooting, close combat, and the most important thin g-can move on the board on any move. We believe that the players mentioned above are likely to be advantageous, at least here.
Flayed Ones
Necron Warriors W/ Gausseaper. Credit: Rockfish < Span> What do they do? Nightbringer is still a versatile killing machine, has a strong range from 9 levels, and the most important D2 has been added to 14A. Their shooting also provides the unpleasant possibility of spikes, and at the end of each phase of the battle, it develops a great AOE effect of fatal injuries.
Triarch Praetorians
The Void Dragon is also a more special but killer: its spear has 2+ ant i-transportation, hit like a truck, but is a little inferior. But not everything is terrible-their cleaning has been switched to D2, so it can easily break the space marine, and the Voltaic Storm's gun attack is an excellent versatile profile.
Skorpekh Destroyers
Scammers also benefit from the general increase of the level of close combat: He now throws 8A to the S8 AP-3 that is not as scary as others, but it is no longer a good change for him. It does not fall to elite infantry. Furthermore, thanks to stealth, it is the most difficult to shoot, and after the configuration of both camps, three detachments are transferred free of charge (including transfer to strategic reserve army), and a very valuable shooting attack "precision ant i-character" You will have a "destruction forest" and will afflict your opponent. Very cool.
Finally, the only hero who is not an epic is a transcendental person who does not receive CPR, but as mentioned above, can submit a bab. We recommend that you do not calculate what you need to kill such a hero for your health. Don't worry. The next thing they can do is that they are pretty coo l-unpleasant shooting, close combat, and the most important thin g-can move on the board on any move. We believe that the players mentioned above are likely to be advantageous, at least here.
Ophydian Destroyers
Necron Warriors W/ Gausseaper. Credit: Rockfish What do they do? Nightbringer is still a versatile killing machine, has a strong range from 9 levels, and the most important D2 has been added to 14A. Their shooting also provides the unpleasant possibility of spikes, and at the end of each phase of the battle, it develops a great AOE effect of fatal injuries.
Lokhust Destroyers
The Void Dragon is also a more special but killer: its spear has 2+ ant i-transportation, hit like a truck, but is a little inferior. But not everything is terrible-their cleaning has been switched to D2, so it can easily break the space marine, and the Voltaic Storm's gun attack is an excellent versatile profile.
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers
Scammers also benefit from the general increase of the level of close combat: He now throws 8A to the S8 AP-3 that is not as scary as others, but it is no longer a good change for him. It does not fall to elite infantry. Furthermore, thanks to stealth, it is the most difficult to shoot, and after the configuration of both camps, three detachments are transferred free of charge (including transfer to strategic reserve army), and a very valuable shooting attack "precision ant i-character" You will have a "destruction forest" and will afflict your opponent. Very cool.
Tomb Blades
Finally, the only hero who is not an epic is a transcendental person who does not receive CPR, but as mentioned above, can submit a bab. We recommend that you do not calculate what you need to kill such a hero for your health. Don't worry. The next thing they can do is that they are pretty coo l-unpleasant shooting, close combat, and the most important thin g-can move on the board on any move. We believe that the players mentioned above are likely to be advantageous, but at least here is a draw.
Canoptek Cornucopia
Canoptek Wraiths
Necron Warriors W/ Gausseaper. Credit: Rockfish
Necron Legion's stall bones, Nekrons, and almost tall warriors continue their own activities as Necron's Bop Beg. As you can see on the Warcom site, they have a special rule of legion. Basically, when the intensive treatment protocol is activated, the unit will always revive the D6 RAS with the replacement D3 if the unit is not placed in the radius of exposure to the marker you control. Revive +D3 wounds. The horde of your Necron warriors may start with 10 bodies and can be 20. Fighters do their job on the firepower they did on their stage. The cheerful flame 1 and the deadly strike provide satisfactory shooting performance. In fact, it is a loss with all S4 and AP0. We don't take into account what we are actually trying to destroy, but they will forced people to settle a certain amount of revenue.
Canoptek Scarab Swarms
Necron warriors Gauss Nit have a very large firepower, from the distance of 12 inches, Power 5, AP1, and Damage 1. Like other Gauss pistols, it contains a fatal bestseller. However, this pistol refers to a pistol with a small range, enabling Necron warriors to participate in the shooting pistol. Under the control of the unit with a command protocol, both weapons have a ballistic experience of 4, which is actually 3 C +1. If we want to combine these guns, including lighting, plasma and elementary school, for a critical hit in 5, we want these fatal hits to truly fall into tasks, for example, worse. there is no.
Canoptek Reanimator
The big share in the ninth series was a kind of strain that they didn't like to connect to the game, but they were everywhere. In the tenth, they really found a space thanks to the plasma laser. The 5s strike hazard with Tesla will return to my known computer in the eighth and release shocking hits from the unit. These hits still turn into wounds at a considerable frequenc y-every day they receive RR1 and receive the complete reluctory on the opposite of the target around the radius of exposure. Unless they are very expensive (you understand, necon is possible every time), this means that they can actually apply them in any wa y-small units are from other factions There are all opportunities to lose their friends, full unit with PlasmAID has a lot of opportunities to consume so many SVEs, and in fact, access to AP does not make sense.
Necron crypto tral. Credit: Chris Cowie
Canoptek Spyders
Cryptotralls are the protective older brothers of the Crypteks. They can join a company as Cryptek squires. At the start of the unit declaration step, Crypto trolls can join other units from that army with a Cryptek infantry model as their commander. If you choose to do this before the end of combat, each model in that unit is considered part of the original escort unit, and the starting strength of the escort unit is increased accordingly. This basically means that Crypto trolls become bullet takers for their team, and what a bullet taker they are! They are now T4, with 2 wounds, a 3+ save, and no pain on a 4+. This means that you have a soldier on your team that can deal lethal wounds, and if they are on the same team as a Cryptek model, no pain on a 4+. This helps protect plasma users from pesky snipers. They excel at close range combat, but their main goal is to deal as much damage as possible, revive, and do it all again.
Canoptek Doomstalker
Wings: I can't emphasize enough how good Wings are in benchmark games. If you want to strengthen your infantry, you should have 3 units in every list. Their main role is to create a "tarp pit", but if you feel that you need an extra target holder in a particular game, just leave out one of the units you brought.
Small Vehicles
The Special Attack Squad has grown from being a partially useless unit to being a fearsome sniper unit. This sniper unit can be organized in groups of 10, and their weapons are somewhat refined. Range 36, Weight, Accuracy, Ballistic Skill 3, Health 5, -2AP, 2D. This is a great profile, as it can intimidate most characters and lead them to an invincible escape. The special rule "Paper, Space Hunter" is that once per turn, during the movement phase of the enemy's boost step, when an enemy unit is 45cm away from the battlefield and visible, that unit can shoot as if it were your shooting phase. This game features many deep attackers and implements many out-of-phases.
The no n-representative "TORMENTED" has again attracted attention in our index and has become one of the main units of infiltrations that can recruit in 5 to 10 bodies. They have a special rule transparent and have a satisfying proximity battle attack. FLAYED ONES has four attacks, sustain hit 1 and twin links, respectively. There are only 4 physical strength, and it cannot be expected to grow a certain number of tanks such as AP-1 and 1D. However, despite the situations described above, there is a good possibility that the infantry in Sentry and Galaxy may be damaged. If you use it in a full unit of 10 people to get an attack power of 40, you will see their FLESH HUNGER rules. If you attack a unit with a physical strength of less than 50 %, all the successful roll hits will be critical. For example, if the physical strength of the space marine unit is set from 10 to 5, it begins to explode when all attacks are available. This is a pretty rampage unit, and it is definitely designed to beat other infantry, and if they start a penetrating attack in this tabletop game, they will definitely see it.
Richgard plays a unique role and keeps the main hero. If the Grand Master leads this unit, a special rule called "Gard Protocol" will be activated. Thanks to this ability, every time a gunfight or proximity attacks, the injury i s-1. It is a special skill in a fairly stable unit. Richguard gave me two types of use. One is the distributed shield and the hyperfyth blade, the unit is invincible with 4+ and attacks three times in S6, -2, and 1D. The other is a valuable Valcit. They have a catastrophic wound with the S8, -3, and 2D, and it's not as safe as imagined. Unfortunately, there are only two attack power, so I can not expect much, but fortunately there are excellent characters that may join this unit. Give the Warscythes unit 4 ++ to be careful about minions like Orikan The Diviner.
Flying a station wagon with a popular stick, for example, the pistol version should be a bit nice because it has devastated wounds. They still have all the opportunities to be deep and retreat / attack, for example, they have a lot of fascinating things, but the killers of these fighters are mixed with other troops. Is bad every time, and this is completely confirmed in this work, for example, what happened that there was no chance that a darling would join them every time.
Big Vehicles
Scorpev destroyer credit: redfish
Large squaring soldier. It's pretty scary, thanks to the T6, and it is useful for several troops because it can ignore the status during battle in close combat. In addition, once per game, three plasma sites can be obtained with one "catastrophic wound", creating a major reversal.
The above version is faster and larger, but it is due to a slightly pumpkin and low S. They switched to T5 and were not easily destroyed by small fire. S4 is more complicated, but it is still a catastrophic wound and a large number of attacks (multiple), and if the enemy's battle phase is terminated, it can be moved without being in the defeat zone. Such a distributor seems to be quite trusted as a headquarters target holder, sometimes going out and engaging in practical / murderous tasks.
Destroyer. Credit: Tsubasa
It is very difficult to evaluate, and you need points to understand the value more than other units. The advantage is that Lord LockHust and Stratagmami have excellent synergy support, and the migration to T6 makes the move considerably painful (especially when many of the melee fighters have become S5). The disadvantages are the aerial battles, the stroke is only 7 cm, which is difficult to control, the weapon has become a little weaker, and the transition to S5 and AP-2. In a sense, S is an academic indicator, and it will be used together with the road that will hit the lethal at 5+, so it will be a very versatile destroyer and you will often see it.
By the way, many ant i-tank guns are slightly softened compared to the ninth edition, but the Gaussian destroyer is not included in the number. It gives the S14 AP-4 and a uniform damage 6, and is injured 1 with repeated throws to the target of vehicles and monsters. But even more surprise is that it is worth paying attention to another gun that switches the unit to infantry battles. This is a si x-shot shooting, and the hit rate is always 1, so if you lead a portion and get on the road lock strip and shoot the one that has opened in the shooting world, you can get an average of 42 hit rates. Both versions are wonderful workmanship, and this is also a unit that loves+1T. < SPAN> Large sized soldier. It's pretty scary, thanks to the T6, and it is useful for several troops because it can ignore the status during battle in close combat. In addition, once per game, three plasma sites can be obtained with one "catastrophic wound", creating a major reversal.
The above version is faster and larger, but it is due to a slightly pumpkin and low S. They switched to T5 and were not easily destroyed by small fire. S4 is more complicated, but it is still a catastrophic wound and a large number of attacks (multiple), and if the enemy's battle phase is terminated, it can be moved without being in the defeat zone. Such a distributor seems to be quite trusted as a headquarters target holder, sometimes going out and engaging in practical / murderous tasks.
Five Coolest Units
Destroyer. Credit: Tsubasa
- It is very difficult to evaluate, and you need points to understand the value more than other units. The advantage is that Lord LockHust and Stratagmami have excellent synergy support, and the migration to T6 makes the move considerably painful (especially when many of the melee fighters have become S5). The disadvantages are the aerial battles, the stroke is only 7 cm, which is difficult to control, the weapon has become a little weaker, and the transition to S5 and AP-2. In a sense, S is an academic indicator, and it will be used together with the road that will hit the lethal at 5+, so it will be a very versatile destroyer and you will often see it.
- By the way, many ant i-tank guns are slightly softened compared to the ninth edition, but the Gaussian destroyer is not included in the number. It gives the S14 AP-4 and a uniform damage 6, and is injured 1 with repeated throws to the target of vehicles and monsters. But even more surprise is that it is worth paying attention to another gun that switches the unit to infantry battles. This is a si x-shot shooting, and the hit rate is always 1, so if you lead a portion and get on the road lock strip and shoot the one that has opened in the shooting world, you can get an average of 42 hit rates. Both versions are wonderful workmanship, and this is also a unit that loves+1T. Large squaring soldier. It's pretty scary, thanks to the T6, and it is useful for several troops because it can ignore the status during battle in close combat. In addition, once per game, three plasma sites can be obtained with one "catastrophic wound", creating a major reversal.
- The above version is faster and larger, but it is due to a slightly pumpkin and low S. They switched to T5 and were not easily destroyed by small fire. S4 is more complicated, but it is still a catastrophic wound and a large number of attacks (multiple), and if the enemy's battle phase is terminated, it can be moved without being in the defeat zone. Such a distributor seems to be quite trusted as a headquarters target holder, sometimes going out and engaging in practical / murderous tasks.
- Destroyer. Credit: Tsubasa
- It is very difficult to evaluate, and you need points to understand the value more than other units. The advantage is that Lord LockHust and Stratagmami have excellent synergy support, and the migration to T6 makes the move considerably painful (especially when many of the melee fighters have become S5). The disadvantages are the aerial battles, the stroke is only 7 cm, which is difficult to control, the weapon has become a little weaker, and the transition to S5 and AP-2. In a sense, S is an academic indicator, and it will be used together with the road that will hit the lethal at 5+, so it will be a very versatile destroyer and you will often see it.
Five Biggest changes from 9th
- By the way, many ant i-tank guns are slightly softened compared to the ninth edition, but the Gaussian destroyer is not included in the number. It gives the S14 AP-4 and a uniform damage 6, and is injured 1 with repeated throws to the target of vehicles and monsters. But even more surprise is that it is worth paying attention to another gun that switches the unit to infantry battles. This is a si x-shot shooting, and the hit rate is always 1, so if you lead a portion and get on the road lock strip and shoot the one that has opened in the shooting world, you can get an average of 42 hit rates. Both versions are wonderful workmanship, and this is also a unit that loves+1T.
- Farm-oriented target raiders that may occasionally shoot a rademette peak with particles, and now have devastating wounds. These scouts are basically 9 inches, which is pretty comfortable, and if you apply them to, say, Bladevarn or Shadowroom, they should remain pretty sturdy and a potent utility unit.
- Canoptek Wraith Source: Rockfish
- Leafers will eventually fly up to elementals, but they're still animals, and they're quite likely to take down infantry for a full day, for example. They seem like a universe of virtues, in fact, all the more so, given that one of their weapon profiles currently has a flaw that could probably be considered a copy: they cast at 2c (I'm talking "copy paste", this gun is why it's seen by the Praetorians of Triarch by the Praetorians of Trich). They are relatively cheerful, not easy to move from space, T6 3W and 4+ invulnerable, throw quite a few D2-attacks in close combat, but their S6 is no longer the same, and their relatively weak WS and ap.
- Someone at GW was obviously not ecstatic, how scarabs, for example, joined almost every other example and were used as target keepers in the latest editions, often with OC0, as cheap swarms. This prepares them with a fairly difficult purchase, but does not exclude the ability to use - with a large number of their attacks with fatal hits, they also have every chance to break something ordinary part with their own brand-destruction. Apart from this, they lower the OC-counter attack in the loss zone, but also not more than, for example, 1, that is only great for constituting a balance against really weak enemy army units.
Wrap Up
Reanimating Canoptek Source: Wings
The Dog House Slot Review
I already wrote about this in the CPR section. Take 1. Return the Canoptek from 6 wounds when 2 Triumphs fall. See how the light shines in the enemy's eyes. And he also has a 4+, so there's no pain, for example, that it's actually not that much of a factor to knock out. The opponent will still notice and enjoy it.
A great sitter in the background, and also guarantees protection from psychological attacks that might take advantage of some forces - huge aura 4+ feels no pain against them.
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For example, it wasn't successful in the ninth, but is there a possibility that everything is different this year? It does not show how much Necron player wants the Necron. At the moment, the outlook is certainly positive-the quality of their weapons is no longer tied up, and they simply hit the uniform damage 3 every time (it's a pretty wonderful stats, it's actually pretty good) Has 4+ invincible, and you will obviously never refuse. Apart from this, they have 5+ overwatches and can never ruin some luggage. The only drawback is T8, which is relatively low as a low BS (4+) (so, in fact, you should definitely buy Canoptek Control Node or SoverEign Coronal), but at least it takes them from the scope of the small fire. That may happen, it may be.
Necron dehome sickle. Credit Pendulin
Small and mediu m-sized Necron machines are generally classified into the same category as before, but some perform their own missions than any other machine. Speaking of "what is it, Triarch Stalker and Night Scythe are typical. For example, "stalker" disperses the fallen army, is not troublesome in close combat, etc., and "sickle" is also a flight vehicle, and has a new function that allows you to select units that do not participate in the duel at the end of the battle phase. 。 With this vehicle, you can run some wonderful tricks. While shooting, it is possible to select a few deathbearers, but there is a dangerous problem: it is considered a careless vehicle without a hover. At least, this is not a remote decorate, you have the ability to delete it from the board without doing anything inside, and in the subsequent turn 2, as they do some tasks. Arrest the unit. It is still possible to use Tesla immortal.
Moving on to the "much better" category, we have all the Gunbils. Doomsday was previously shown on Warcom, but is hilarious anyway. Doom Scythe is also very obnoxious. Very powerful 3-shot burst from a big gun, always D3-hit. Huge growth potential, speed, and fun to watch. And finally, the biggest winner is the Destroyer. Not only does the cannon now dual with D2 (great for those who like to get shot down multiple times), but it has a special ability "Wicked Arc". When thrown at any enemy (including the target) within a 3" radius, it applies D3 - human on a 5+. Three tricks like this can cause big problems for your opponent from combat interference, and there are sure to be more on the list.
And finally "Ghostly Ark". A great ability, but not sure if it's worth transporting, and you'll end up taking someone with you as a designated transport. This ability allows you to cause the same effect as the Stratagem Protocol of the Undying Legion on an adjacent squad of Necron warriors once per movement, which is pretty cool. But using 10 Necron warriors on one character (i. e. he carries it) is a tough task (no space for a Cryptoraal, buh), so let's see what the cost is.
Almost everything - 3 big boxes with different stripes and the Silent King himself watching over everything.
The Obelisk is recognized by the community as the worst unit in 8th edition, and still is trash. With each new edition it becomes more believable that it was made on purpose.
Monolith with Death Ray. Source: Rockfish
On the other hand, the "monolith" for this one is the highest T14 impressive indicator, which is considered to be the best in all indicators (and I do not intend to collapse the bill), as I can see mainly. Thanks to that, it looks much more attractive. The serious "The 10th rank of the ant i-tank gun is the" Beat Gaussian Beat "Beat," S12, which includes a huge weapon like S14. It is not counted, it is quite unpleasant in attack (When a deadline is used), it often contains a 2 +storage range that can increase the evacuation center, and the bottomless hit is applied, and the circle of any movement He has the ability to teleport the unit (they are not really all chances of charging), because they are in the ninth edition of several lists. I think there is enough potential to appear again, and the monolith is a tower, and in fact, with the ability to emit the rays of death in the archeological sites and monsters. Because of the fact, it is considered to be plus without complaining (considering the power).
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"Tesseract Set" looks wonderful and pleasant. It is still unimaginable for use on a table, but it has power-it is interesting for T12 2+/4+for immortality, it is completely on the other side of my Tesla. When you shoot, you have the ability to choose one of the catastrophic wounds of the three sharp rifles that can be used. These are very interesting, absolutely a clear ant i-character 4+, destructive and flat. The arrow of the time that is considered damage.
Silent gentleman. Credit: Pendulin
Finally, Sarech was one of the surprising and most change stats sheets, but the number of abilities he had had before was reduced and connected. RR1 of hit and injury at the time of shooting, charging secondary screws, and modifiers (excluding saving armor). This indicator is, for example, believes that Necron will return to a gunfight, in fact, must be the first very valuable, and the existence of the daemon king in the middle IRGE is the element. It is big. The only thing to note is that the fry configuration is complicated to jump into the right transaction when the travel time begins, for example.
God is fair, and there are quite a lot of units in this army. anyway:
Destroyer Huxmark: That's right.
The Dog-licious Numbers and Stats
Illuminator Zeras: Unconditional beast.
K'TAN: They all seem to be quite humorous in the application, and this is great-how they get the statline, reflect their fluffs, and the latest edition has no unusual phase restrictions. To confirm that.
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Lockhust's melancholy destroyer: For example, the fact that they are quite good at themselves is quite interesting.
Ryptotralls: Small waste Verokiraptor with all opportunities. Let's play a game with them seriously. I am surprised by my imagination.
The main way for shooting to damage: The stockpile of close combat weapons is generally reduced, and weapons are increasing.
Every character has a task: Well, psych o-manner is an exception, but almost all other characters do really cool, so they can evaluate them.
The power of the stone is high: The enemy has the ability to clear the sky by overlapping a giant warrior or a prolonged crip tech, crypto thrilling, and nearby lianemates. It is important for warriors to be the same level as actually used in the ninth.
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Obes Clon is virtually gone: technical elements alone cannot win.
Mobility decreases: The only sad thing is that all movements have become a little slower. For example, to fight this, you have to read ahead or connect the buff.
Necron was very fun, and the corps has a depth when creating a list, and can now respond to multiple instructions. Apart from this, for example, units that have not been turned in the previous edition are not only wonderful now, but also excellent (with prayer), unless their glasses ruin everything, Necron is a global existence. It is going to be. One of our main views was that almost all possible builds were inferior to the Devastating Wounds list of Death Watch. In fact, the Game Workshop, which emphasized this point, is preparing for us more frugal for us (why this educational program inadvertently became the longest in this review. You can see if it is).
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